
My recurring attempts at solving advent of code challenge (+ some automation)

Primary LanguagePython

Python3 tool for Advent of Code

works badge

  • prepare the files with solution and tests
  • date sanity checks, defaults to today
  • automatically fetch the input given the AoC year and day (you'd need the token, see here).
  • logging and custom lib organization
  • autosubmit found answers
  • built-in profiler
  • very much WIP


git clone https://github.com/ArcHound/advent_of_code
cd advent_of_code
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
./advent_of_code.py --help



Usage: advent_of_code.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  prepare  Prepare the template and the test for a given day
  solve    Solve for the input of a given day

Solve command

Usage: advent_of_code.py solve [OPTIONS]

  Solve for the input of a given day

  --aoc-token TEXT                Token for aoc API  [required]
  --aoc-url TEXT                  Base URL for aoc
  --proxy                         Whether to use the proxy
  --proxy-address TEXT            Proxy address
  --profiling                     Profile the program - get performance data
  --profiling-file FILE           Profiling output file  [default:
  --profiling-sort-key [calls|cumulative|cumtime|file|filename|module|ncalls|pcalls|line|name|nfl|stdname|time|tottime]
                                  Profiling sort key  [default: cumulative]
  -y, --year INTEGER              Year of the event  [default: 2023]
  -d, --day INTEGER               Day of the event  [default: 1]
                                  Set logging level.  [default: WARNING]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Prepare command

Usage: advent_of_code.py prepare [OPTIONS]

  Prepare the template and the test for a given day

  -y, --year INTEGER              Year of the event  [default: 2023]
  -d, --day INTEGER               Day of the event  [default: 1]
                                  Set logging level.  [default: WARNING]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.