
Supporting repository for the article about password policy cloud cost calculations.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Password Policy Attacking Costs

Supporting scripts for the article at https://miloslavhomer.cz/password-policy-attacking-costs. TL:DR; how much do you need to pay Azure for GPU VMs to crack some hashes?


In the data folder, you can find CSVs with various data related to computing the costs:

  • Azure pricing
  • known GPU hashcat benchmarks
  • map of hashcat modes


I've tested the hypotesis, in the experiment folder there's terraform code to deploy the cracking runner VM. You'd need a working instance of az CLI tool that's authorized with your Azure credentials. Also, prepare to pay a lot of cash for the VMs. You have been warned and I take zero responsibility for your cloud bill.


The scripts contain a lot of scraping and parsing, not that interesting, but useful. Create a new virtual env (python3 venv venv), activate (source venv/bin/activate), install requirements (pip3 install -r requirements.txt).


Usage: pw_policy_cost_tool.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  calc            Compute the stats for selected pw policy and sku
  gen-experiment  Generate files for running the cracking experiment
  get-benchmarks  Get benchmark data from onlinehashcrack and Chick3nman...
  get-cloud-data  Get cloud pricing data (azure only)
  stats           Compute the stats (as seen in the article)

You should run all the get- subcommands first. Then probably the most useful is the calc subcommand:

Usage: pw_policy_cost_tool.py calc [OPTIONS]

  Compute the stats for selected pw policy and sku

  --benchmark-input-file FILE     Benchmark data input file
  --azure-input-file FILE         Output file
  --hashmode-input-file FILE      CSV with hashcat hashmodes map
  --pw-len INTEGER                Length of the password
  --mode INTEGER                  Hash mode of the hash (refer to modes.csv)
  --sku TEXT                      Specific VM configuration to use (Azure
                                  SKUs) - if set to cheapest, it'd calculate
                                  the cheapest version
  --charset-length INTEGER        Length of character set.
                                  Set logging level.  [default: WARNING]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.