
The first assignment of DATA130051 Computer Vision. Here we built a two-layer neural network to learn the MNIST dataset.

Primary LanguagePython

DATADATA130051.01 CV HW1

This is the project of the first homework of Computer Vision course.

Training Process

Run search_data_generate.py to do the stochastic search of hyper parameters. You can also modify the search space and search parameters. Data would be generated in the 'save_data' folder.

Find the best model

Run search_data_analysis.py, and it will show you about the good models.

The best model is also put here in the repo. Link

Test Process

If you would like to use the model, first clone the repo, then load the model using this code:

from neuralNetworkModel import NeuralNetworkModel
model = NeuralNetworkModel.from_save_data(filepath_to_save_data)

Then, you can happily predict any data you want.

# input should suit the shape of (n, 784)
# if you have images, you would want to reshape them to 1-d vectors