What is this

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App and then I completed the exercise from https://github.com/parsleyhealth/engineering-recruiting-tests.

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Features Implemented

  • All the features are on 1-page. I did not have time to implement a carousel or multi-screen series of modals with a "Next" or "Back" button.
  • You can enter demographic, medical conditions, answer short medical questions, and click Submit on the Terms and see a summary of results when you click the blue Submit button on any of the 4 sections.
  • Clicking on the blue Submit button on the terms creates a fake API request in the console log.
  • You can search by the type or condition of the medical condition. The dropdown menu has 2 options: type or condition.
  • No time for CSS styling or for unit tests.