
Task Manager App keep track of your task progress, Data solution build on top of ArcTop Labs #DataSolution #MasterDataNode EcoSystem

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Task Manager App

The Task Manager App is HTML5, jquery application build on top of MasterDataNode Data solution technology. This Task Manager App keep track you task progress and is persistent in nature, means your created Tasks will be there the next time you open up the app. The app uses ArcTop Labs : MasterDataNode Data Solution feature in order to store the Tasks.


  • Create new Task
  • Mark Task inProgress
  • Complete the task and Archiving it
  • Remove the completed Task

Storage Service

ArcTop Labs : MasterDataNode Data Solution

Login to www.masterdatanode.com to get : Access_Token , its Free

Create an App after login, copy and paste App Name in arctoplabs.js file appName variable

Copy and Replace the access_token (available in your login) in arctoplabs.js file access_token variable

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