Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) ControlPoint library for Java.
- Pure Java implementation.
- Available in both Java application and Android apps.
- Easy to use
- High response
Of course, this also can be used from kotlin.
- Java 8 or later (or Java 6 or later with retrolambda)
- Android Gradle Plugin 3.0.0 or later
- This library support only ControlPoint functions. There is no way to make Device. If you need it, please select another library.
- Some functions that are not widely used are not implemented.
- Multicast eventing
Android App
- DMS Explorer -- [Google Play] [Source Code]
Sample App
You can download this library from jCenter. (since Ver.1.7.0)
repositories {
Add dependencies, as following.
dependencies {
implementation 'net.mm2d:mmupnp:1.8.1'
This library is currently under development of 2.0.0. Currently alpha version, and I'm making destructive change.
It is distributed in this maven repository.
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://ohmae.github.com/mmupnp/maven'
dependencies {
implementation 'net.mm2d:mmupnp:2.0.0-alpha6'
ControlPoint cp = ControlPointFactory.create();
// adding listener if necessary.
If you want to specify the network interface, describe the following.
NetworkInterface ni = NetworkInterface.getByName("eth0");
ControlPoint cp = ControlPointFactory.create(ni);
By default ControlPoint will work with dual stack of IPv4 and IPv6. If you want to operate with IPv4 only, specify the protocol as follows.
ControlPoint cp = ControlPointFactory.create(Protocol.IP_V4_ONLY);
You can specify callback and thread of IO processing. For example in Android, you may want to run callbacks with MainThread. In that case write as follows.
Params params = new Params().setCallbackExecutor(new TaskExecutor() {
public boolean execute(@Nonnull final Runnable task) {
return handler.post(task);
public void terminate() {
ControlPoint cp = ControlPointFactory.create(params);
Call ControlPoint#search() or ControlPoint#search(String).
cp.search(); // Default ST is ssdp:all
cp.search("upnp:rootdevice"); // To use specific ST. In this case "upnp:rootdevice"
These methods send one M-SEARCH packet to all interfaces.
For example, to invoke "Browse" (ContentDirectory) action...
Device mediaServer = cp.getDevice(UDN); // get device by UDN
Action browse = mediaServer.findAction("Browse"); // find "Browse" action
Map<String, String> arg = new HashMap<>(); // setup arguments
arg.put("ObjectID", "0");
arg.put("BrowseFlag", "BrowseDirectChildren");
arg.put("Filter", "*");
arg.put("StartingIndex", "0");
arg.put("RequestedCount", "0");
arg.put("SortCriteria", "");
Map<String, String> result = browse.invoke(arg); // invoke action
String resultXml = result.get("Result"); // get result
For example, to subscribe ContentDirectory's events...
// add listener to receive event
cp.addNotifyEventListener(new NotifyEventListener(){
public void onNotifyEvent(Service service, long seq, String variable, String value) {
Device mediaServer = cp.getDevice(UDN); // get device by UDN
Service cds = mediaServer.findServiceById(
"urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ContentDirectory"); // find Service by ID
cds.subscribe(); // Start subscribe
cds.unsubscribe(); // End subscribe
It is not possible to re-initialize. When you want to reset, try again from the constructor call.
This library use log library,
If you want to enable debug log.
Log.initialize(true, true);
If you want send log to some library. eg.
Log.setPrint { level, tag, message ->
if (level >= Log.DEBUG) {
SomeLogger.send("$tag $message")
Please see log library for more details
I described Javadoc comments. Please refer to it for more information.
大前 良介 (OHMAE Ryosuke) http://www.mm2d.net/