
MiSTer FPGA Dr Seuss reader. Preserve books that the left doesn't want you to read with MiSTer FPGA

Primary LanguageShell

(BETA) MiSTer FPGA Dr. Seuss Reader "core"

With the MiSTer FPGA Dr. Seuss reader you can enjoy preserved books that the left doesn't want you to read, all from the comfort of your couch! This script based "core" will play banned books from Archive.org on the MiSTer console preserving them digially forever. None of this would be possible without the great MiSTerFPGA devs, and Discord mods.

Please join us on the Official Discord!


$ ssh -l root
/root# cd /media/fat/
/media/fat# wget https://github.com/ArcadeHustle/MiSTer_DrSeussReader/archive/refs/heads/main.zip
/media/fat# unzip main.zip 
Archive:  main.zip
   creating: MiSTer_DrSeussReader-main/
   creating: MiSTer_DrSeussReader-main/CatsQuizzer/
/media/fat# cd MiSTer_DrSeussReader-main
/media/fat/MiSTer_DrSeussReader-main# ./install.sh


Use the MiSTer OSD to navigate to Scripts

  1. Hit the escape key, Choose Scripts
  2. Accept the warning
  3. Choose "DrSeussBeta", select a book, and press enter.
  4. Enjoy the sweet sweet taste of lib tears


By now we've all seen the news:
6 Dr. Seuss books won’t be published for racist images
Dr Seuss: Six books withdrawn over 'hurtful and wrong' imagery
Dr. Seuss Books Can Be Racist, But Students Keep Reading Them
How Dr. Seuss Responded to Critics Who Called Out His Racism

We've also seen the official response from Dr Seuss Enterprises;
Statement from Dr. Seuss Enterprises

This is something that can not stand. These books can NOT be cancelled, and becasue of that we wanted to preserve them with a MiSTer FPGA core. Since an actual core was 100% unnecessary, we've provided a simple script that anyone can use to install view, and load the archived banned book library.

Just remember, that MiSTerFPGA is commited to all forms of preservation. The following books are included in this Beta release:

  • And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street
  • If I Ran The Zoo
  • McElligots Pool
  • On Beyond Zebra
  • Scrambled Eggs Super!
  • The Cat's Quizzer - Are you Smarter than the Cat in the Hat?

We hope to include more literature in the near future. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck are considerations for the next beta. Please donate on Patreon for further consideration: https://www.patreon.com/FPGAMiSTer