
GitHub template repository for creating new barebones Nextflow pipelines, using the Arcadia-Science/nextflow-template cookiecutter template

MIT LicenseMIT

Template repository for creating new Nextflow pipelines

This GitHub template repository can be used to create a new repository with the skeleton of a Nextflow pipeline, based on the nextflow-template cookiecutter repository.

Once you create a repository using this template, your new repository will execute a GitHub Actions workflow that uses cookiecutter to rewrite the repository to the desired state. This may take 30 seconds or so.

Once the action is done, please rename the github directory to .github. This is a short-term hack to circumvent GitHub action permission issues.

The GitHub action will also create a TEMPLATE branch that's used by nf-core to keep modules up-to-date and make following the nf-core guidelines easier.


This is fully inspired by the following blog post: https://simonwillison.net/2021/Aug/28/dynamic-github-repository-templates/. The README instructions here are modified from this GitHub repository.


You can click on the "Use this template" button on this repository and follow the prompts. Alternatively, you can start here and follow the prompts. Please follow these instructions:

  • The name of your repository will be the name of the Nextflow pipeline.
  • Add a one-line description of your pipeline.
  • Finally, click "Create repository from template".

Example usage when using the template