
Brief Introduction

Plug-Ins have the same folder structure as the directory shown in this repository. (key and sdk are optional and only relevant here)

Anything found in the admin folder is meant for the marketplace’s admin portal, and only accessible by an admin authenticated session.

Anything found in the user folder is meant for the users (merchants, buyers, and non-authenticated users). Limiting access to those files is optional, and described in our Coding Tutorials.

The decryption can be performed by a PHP file residing in the user folder, which is accessible via a URL. If the decryption file is named ‘decryption.php’, the URL will look like this:


Note: this can be easily customised/shortened using our Custom URL API.

Installing JWT via composer

  1. Clone this repository The required dependencies and versions for JWT are pre defined in composer.json and composer.lock

  2. Run the following command in your directory containing the cloned repository.

php composer.phar install
  1. Done.

How to install on a marketplace

  1. Download the repository as .zip file.
  2. Extract the file "JWT-Auth-SSO-master" inside the root .zip file.
  3. Compress all its contents into another .zip file, such that the resulting root folder contains the contents of this repository
  4. This .zip file is what you install on your developer dashboard.
  5. Go to your marketplace and install the Plug-In you created.

How to use

  1. Change the public and private keys. The Public and Private keys are found in the key folder.

    • certificate.crt contains the public key.
    • secret_pem_file.pem contains the private key.
  2. For testing purposes, the file encryption.php was created, to simulate encryption. This PHP file simply creates a JWT token for a specified user.

    Creating a user's JWT token:

    1. Hardcode the details of the user in encryption.php in the following private claims:
    ->claim('first_name', 'John')
    ->claim('last_name', 'Smith')
    ->claim('email', 'johnsmith@gmail.com')
    1. Save and follow instructions of How to install

    2. Simulate the external platform generating the JWT token via this link: https://{marketplace-name}.arcadier.io/user/plugins/{plug-in-ID}/encryption.php?userCode=

      where userCode is the user's ID in the external platform. (For testing purposes, this can be anything)

    3. The output will be the JWT token of "John Smith" that the external platform will pass to Arcadier.

  3. Simulate Arcadier receiving and decrypting the JWT token decryption.php by calling this link: https://{marketplace-name}.arcadier.io/user/plugins/{plug-in-ID}/decryption.php?returnUrl={__}&ssoToken={__}

    where returnUrl is the URL slug of the Arcadier page you want the user to be redirected to. Example:

    • Item Detail Page: returnUrl=/User/Item/Detail/Shoe/66056
    • User Settings Page: returnUrl=/user/marketplace/user-settings

Successfully completing all the steps above will log John Smith on to Arcadier and redirect him to the specified returnUrl.