
:link: Arcadier Core event triggers and Custom event triggers built using JS and PHP

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Webhooks & Event Triggers

Event Triggers (API)

Each time a specific Arcadier API is called, a POST request can be sent to your webhook with a payload containing relevant information about the event. More details here.

JS Custom Triggers (non-API):

For "non-API call" events, custom triggers can be created to detect events that happen on Arcadier's front-end. Here are some examples with sample code:

  • Category Creation - Script triggered on Admin Portal
  • Category Deletion - Script triggered on Admin Portal
  • Item Creation - Script triggered on Merchant Portal
  • Item Edit - Script triggered on Merchant Portal

Possible use for these triggers - Vetting by admin:

  • Item Creation - Script triggered on Merchant Portal. Admin needs to approve newly created items
  • Item Edit - Script triggered on Merchant Portal. Admin needs to approve recently edited items

How to install custom triggers

For example, if you want to install Item Creation as a plug-in.

  1. Download the repository
  2. Extract all the content of the zip file
  3. In the resulting extracted folder, fo to Item Creation folder.
  4. Compress admin and user together.
  5. The resulting zip file is what you upload to your developer dashboard.