Reddit Onions

A simple game based on an idea from this AskReddit Thread (credit to u/mujump)

Game pulls top 100 monthly posts from r/TheOnion and r/NotTheOnion (stores 200 total posts), randomizes a headline, and prompts the user to guess if it is real or fake.


Getting Started

  • Clone the repo
  • Install dependencies with npm install
  • Run development server with npm start and go to: http://localhost:3000/


Production version deployed to Some elastic beanstalk specific items may remain in this repo

Built With

  • NodeJS - Server-side Javascript
  • Express - Web Framework for Node.js
  • EJS - Templating


Completely open source project! Feel free to submit pull requests



  • Big thanks to Jordan Reiter for helping out a newbie and submitting some pull requests that got me through big glaring bugs that were surfaced by r/Javascript :D
  • r/Javascript and all the help on my original post there