
Rails with SQLite3

Primary LanguageRuby

GIGIH Final Project


This is a final project made for Generasi GIGIH Backend Track. I find this final project kinda frustrating because its kinda hard for me (or that's my fault who did this task for only 2/3 days). But i learned much things from this project like how TDD Works, and much more about Rails framework, especially association.

Okay, i think i'm done with the chit chat. Let's get straight to the problem. So in this documentation, i'd like to explain some thing about this projects. The explanation i want to tell is:

  • Database Design
  • TDD on this project
  • Library / Dependency used
  • How to run this project
  • Unfinished things (Yes, this project is not 100% finished.)

Database Design

Database Design

Before you ask:

  • Why use Many to Many on Categories?

Because i assume the category is already fixed. My assumption is, the category is already there and we can't make a new category. Therefore, i make it many to many

  • Do you use nested attribute?



Yes, this is my database design. For problem statement 1 until 4 i only use three tables, which are Menu, Category, and Menu_Categories. Then from problem statement 5 until 7, i add the remaining tables which are Customer, Order, and Order_Menu.

TDD on This Project

Yes, for the early problem statement, i used TDD. But i don't have much time to use TDD on all things. So at problem statement 7, i didn't use TDD anymore.

For TDD process, you can take a look at my this project commits. I do Red - Green method, but didn't have much time to Refactor so i did some Refactor at the end.

Library / Dependency Used

Because there's many impossible problem statement, i need some library/dependency to solve them such as:

  • email_validator for validating email (Bonus point in problem statement 5)
  • whenever for scheduling daily updates (Bonus point in problem statement 6) (Planned, not implemented yet)

How to Run Rails

Well, this is step by step how to run this project:

  1. Run bundle install to install the required packages
  2. After the required packages are installed, then run bin/rails server
  3. Optional if you want to run the tests, just run rspec -fd in the terminal.

Uncompleted Things (I'm sorry for this)

There's many uncompleted things in this project. I know i suck because i can't complete the project on time, but here's the uncompleted things:

  1. Web UI / API (As far, i only implemented unit test and logic)
  2. Problem Statement 7 (Daily Report)