
Huffman Compression in C++, Python: file read/write, descriptive comments, few boilerplate

Primary LanguageC++


  1. Encode/compress data or decode, from or to files

  2. Coder class encodes to a file. You can then call decode() on file thru that Coder to get original text


- std::string stem("./png")
- std::string ext(".png")
- Coder coder(readFile(stem + name))

+ // 1: Core Huffman: decode through class
+ coder.decode(stem + "_decoded" + ext);

! // 2: Write tree, encoded to separate files, decode from files
! writeTree(coder.freqs, stem + ".ser");
! writeEncoded(coder.encoded, stem + ".dat");
! decode(readTree(stem + ".ser"), readEncoded(stem + ".dat"), stem + "_decoded" + ext);

+ // 3: Write tree, append encoded to that same file
+ writeTree(coder.freqs, stem + ".bin");
+ writeEncoded(coder.encoded, stem + ".bin", true); // toAppend : true
+ decode(stem + ".bin", stem + "_decoded" + ext);


Core (# overloads) Helper
encode fillCodebook
decode (2) bitsToBytes
getTree (2) readFile


Function Description
encode Fill components (freqs->tree->codebook) and encode thru codebook
decode Thru tree, decode string<1
getTree From map<char -> freq>, build tree and use tree to fill codebook
writeTree Write data in char-freq map to path
readTree Read data in path into char-freq map. Call getTree(such map)
writeEncoded Write bytes, from string<0
readEncoded Read into string<0
fillCodebook Traverse node/tree: for char, put its encoding into codebook
bitsToBytes Pad final block of < 8 bits to 8 bits
readFile Tokenize data in file into discrete bytes

Defined in CMD() for Release Build

+ Huffman: -h to print this help message
- Commands:
!   -en[code] readPath encodePath {3 args}
!   -de[code] readPath decodePath {3 args}

+ Output : Compression ratio

// Example run
---> Encoded lipsum.txt (2958 bytes) to 1656 bytes: 1.786 compression ratio