TheDarkness - A still inDEV game,
TheDarkness is a multiplayer game about fearing the dark and befriending the light.
Players are trapped in a dungeon-like sctructure riddled with rooms. Within, trapped with the players are an assortment of paranormal beings that thrive in the darkness, and whom seek to consume the light of the players. Thus- players must work together to unlock doors and find the exit to the dark trap all while avoiding the dark.
Darkness mechanic, a lighting based mechanic that drives the entire games : Using lighting and shadows to create a dark atmosphere and allow for some unique enemies and gameplay, TheDarkness has players use light-sources and each other as eyes and barriers against enemies- Yet enemies also feed on the light, they are attracted to it and often strive to destroy any light and thus the players safety aswell.
Sanity mechanic, what defines endgame : [Credits to Dylan for the initial idea and followup] Players have a Sanity level, this represented as a percentage defines how much gear they can use and how close they are to beating the server. Sanity can be spent on tools to assist in crossing into another level, yet once a Sanity of 100% is reached then the player escapes. Though, spending what sanity one has left to aquire tools to defeat a level simply means that one is accepting reality of the nightmarish fantasy one is trapped in.
Charge mechanic, pushing players into decisions one after the other : The Charge mechanic gives players a "charge" or battery, this will be depleted through various ways and when depleted can leave a player trapped in a dark corridor surrounded by enemies and no notion of where anything is.
LockedRoom mechanic, a simple dungeon like mechanic : Every room in TheDarkness can deny entry via its doors, players would need to use methods to open these doors to gain entry and use the room. By opening new rooms players can find supplies and parts needed to repair or gain access to new rooms elsewhere- Yet sometimes a room is a jail to enemies, opening it gives the enemy a route to players thus making the act of opening all doors a dangerous one. Doors are opened in various ways :
=MicroExplosives : small-but loud-explosives that serve as a very quick opening method, yet these attract all sorts of trouble. They also serve as the only known way to kill VoidAngels...
=CrowBars : slightly common but troublesome method as it firstly takes more that one player to use and can take a good deal of time to use, leaving players exposed and unable to fightback. They can also be swung like good old Gordan...
=Generators : These are a special case method, when doors are well locked down then the only method is to either blast them open or power the door via a nearby powersource. When a generator is repaired and jumpstarted it will power nearby rooms - all light sources and doors are easily usable...Except Generators dont have alot of juice to begin with and unless players actually manage what consumes its power the darkness will creep up quickly...
=And Other : there are more methods of opening doors to be added to the plans of TheDarkness, some with-held intentionally.
TheDarkness is aiming to bring about a great teamplay horror-feal game that is enjoyable - especially in LAN parties and such events...