
Neovim plugin written in Lua for Plant UML

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Soil for a plant (UML)

nvim-soil is a minimal plugin written in Lua for Plant UML.


  • Java and nsxiv (default but editable) are required to be installed in order to use this plugin.
  • plantuml is optional to be installed or used in jar format.
  • Recommended for Plant UML syntax highlighting nvim-nyctophilia colorscheme
  • This plugin has been developed on and for Linux following open source philosophy.



use 'javiorfo/nvim-soil'

-- Optional for puml syntax highlighting:
use 'javiorfo/nvim-nyctophilia'



    -- Optional for puml syntax highlighting:
    dependencies = { 'javiorfo/nvim-nyctophilia' },

    lazy = true,
    ft = "plantuml",
    opts = {
        -- If you want to change default configurations

        -- If you want to use Plant UML jar version instead of the install version
        puml_jar = "/path/to/plantuml.jar",

        -- If you want to customize the image showed when running this plugin
        image = {
            darkmode = false, -- Enable or disable darkmode
            format = "png", -- Choose between png or svg

            -- This is a default implementation of using nsxiv to open the resultant image
            -- Edit the string to use your preferred app to open the image (as if it were a command line)
            -- Some examples:
            -- return "feh " .. img
            -- return "xdg-open " .. img
            execute_to_open = function(img) 
                return "nsxiv -b " .. img



  • If plantuml is installed you don't need any extra set up. But if wanted to use plantuml jar version you can set it up.
  • The default image format is PNG.
  • The default Plant UML darkmode is set to false.
  • Optional configuration in init.vim or init.lua:
    -- If you want to use Plant UML jar version instead of the install version
    puml_jar = "/path/to/plantuml.jar",
    -- If you want to customize the image showed when running this plugin
    image = {
        darkmode = false, -- Enable or disable darkmode 
        format = "png", -- Choose between png or svg

        -- This is a default implementation of using nsxiv to open the resultant image
        -- Edit the string to use your preferred app to open the image (as if it were a command line)
        -- Some examples:
        -- return "feh " .. img
        -- return "xdg-open " .. img
        execute_to_open = function(img) 
            return "nsxiv -b " .. img


  • Open any yourfile.plantuml, yourfile.pu or yourfile.puml which you want to process and use :Soil Neovim command line to generate and open yourfile.png with graphical output. Press q to quit the image viewer.
  • Everytime you update a Plant UML file and run :Soil, you'll get an updated image.
  • The generated image is saved in the same location that your Plant UML file.
  • To open the generated image without run Plant UML again use :SoilOpenImg command.


Simple use


NOTE: The colorscheme nox from nvim-nyctophilia is used in this image.


  • Bitcoin (QR) 1GqdJ63RDPE4eJKujHi166FAyigvHu5R7v
  • Paypal