
A tool to benchmark SignalR

Primary LanguageGo


A tool to benchmark SignalR.


  • Install Golang


mkdir -p sigbench/src
git clone https://github.com/ArchangelSDY/Sigbench sigbench/src/microsoft.com/sigbench
cd sigbench/src/microsoft.com/sigbench
make build

If you are buidling on Windows, you can do a cross compilation by setting environment variables GOOS=linux and GOARCH=amd64.


Run as agent:


Run as master:

./sigbench -mode "cli" -outDir "output" -agents "," -config "config.json"

This will run the benchmark defined in config.json using two agents at and Intermediate data will be written to the output directory.


Here is a skeleton of config file:

            "Name":"foobar",                    // Phase name. Each agent executes all phases sequentially.
            "UsersPerSecond":20,                // Number of users launched per second.
            "Duration":"1m"                     // Duration of the phase.
    "SessionNames":[                            // Session names used by each user. Session name is defined in `sessions/session.go`. Each user executes only one session. Different user can execute different session and the percentage is controlled by the following `SessionPercentages`.
    "SessionPercentages":[                      // Percentage of each session ranging from 0 to 1.
    "SessionParams":{                           // Session parameters which will be passed to session in user context. Their meanings are defined in the code.
        "host": "",
        "broadcastDurationSecs": "60"

Here is an example for SignalR .Net Core Broadcast:

        "host": ",",
        "broadcastDurationSecs": "60"

It will:

  1. Create users in the first 10 seconds at a rate of 20users/sec.
  2. For each user, it will broadcast for 60 seconds.


All benchmark scenarios are defined as sessions. Follow these steps if you want to add a new kind of scenario:

  1. Add a new session under sessions package.
  2. Register it in the SessionMap of sessions/session.go.