How to setup Switch LAN-Play on Android phone/tablet

REQUIRES ROOT and Android 7.0+

Actions in Android:

  1. Install a latest Termux from f-droid - ""
  2. Launch Termux app, you'll see a black terminal window.
  3. Next, enter these 3 commands one by one:

#(when prompted):choose what version you want to build (choose stable if latest doesn't compile)

curl -LO
chmod +x switchlan
bash switchlan
  1. It'll setup additional packages and compile lanplay from source (1-5 minutes)
  2. Start WiFi tethering (or connect your phone to wifi)

Actions in HOS (Switch):

  1. Connect to WiFi and configure network settings:
IP-address Settings Manual
IP-address 10.13.X.Y (where X and Y is two random numbers 0-255, example: DO NOT COPY EXAMPLE)
Subnet Mask
DNS Settings Manual
Primary DNS
Secondary DNS
  1. download ldn-mitm ""
  2. extract it in root of your SDcard (don't forget to clear the archive bit in Hekate if necessary)
  3. reboot switch

Connect to Servers:

  • Launch Termux and enter bash switchlan, script will ask you for server ip and root privileges
  • or enter bash switchlan server's address to skip asking part, example: bash switchlan
  • If connection was successful you'll see "Server IP: x.x.x.x" at the end

To Disconnect:

  • Long tap anywhere in Termux -> more -> kill process; or press "exit" in Termux's notification

How to delete/reinstall lanplay:

enter rm -rf ~/switch-lan-play; rm ~/switchlan in Termux