
p5.js Bindings for Idris using JS Backend (WIP)

Primary LanguageIdris


What is p5.js?

p5.js is a JS client-side library for creating graphic and interactive experiences, based on the core principles of Processing.

What does P5Idr do?

P5Idr aims to prove access to this library through the programming language Idris to allow for creative coding. Currently, this library is still a work in progress, but has plans to eventually provide bindings for all p5.js functions along with various proofs to allow for experimentation with theorem proving without deriving everything from the ground up.

Example Usage

Below is an example of a basic sketch that moves a rectangle across the screen. (NOTE: Because this is still a work in progress, all of this is subject to change at any time):

module Main

import Data.Ref

import P5Idr

setup : IO ()
setup = P5Idr.Setup.setup $ do 
    createCanvas 400 400

    width  <- getWidth  {ty=Nat}
    height <- getHeight {ty=Nat}

    putStrLn $ "Width: " ++ show width
    putStrLn $ "Height: " ++ show height

draw : IORef Double -> IO ()
draw xRef = P5Idr.Setup.draw $ do 
    background (Gray 0)

    width <- getWidth
    x     <- readRef xRef

    stroke (Gray 255)
    fill (RGB 255 0 0)
    rect (MkRect x 10 50 50)
    ellipse (MkCircle (x + 25) 100 50)

    if x > width then writeRef xRef (-50) else writeRef xRef (x + 1)

main : IO ()
main = do 
    x <- newRef 0

    setup *> draw x