
Emacs-Lisp refactoring utilities

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


Simple refactoring, linting utilities for Emacs-Lisp.


Put this file into a directory in the load-path, and byte compile it if desired. Then put the following expression into your ~/.emacs:

(require 'erefactor)
(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook
   (lambda ()
     (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map "\C-c\C-v" erefactor-map)))

And set these variables correctly: erefactor-lint-path-alist, erefactor-lint-by-emacsen

Put the following in your .emacs, if you desire highlighting local variables.

(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'erefactor-lazy-highlight-turn-on)
(add-hook 'lisp-interaction-mode-hook 'erefactor-lazy-highlight-turn-on)


  • C-c C-v l : elint current buffer in clean environment.

  • C-c C-v L : elint current buffer by multiple emacs binaries. See erefactor-lint-emacsen

  • C-c C-v r : Rename symbol in current buffer. Resolve let binding as long as i can.

  • C-c C-v R : Rename symbol in requiring modules and current buffer.

  • C-c C-v h : Highlight current symbol in this buffer and suppress erefactor-highlight-mode.

  • C-c C-v d : Dehighlight all by above command.

  • C-c C-v c : Switch prefix for a bunch of symbols. ex: '(hoge-var hoge-func) -> '(foo-var foo-func)

  • C-c C-v ? : Display flymake elint warnings/errors

  • To show compilation warnings when you evaluate a defun form:

    M-x erefactor-check-eval-mode