
Some ImHex pattern I've made (Often for games!) while learning how to make ImHex pattern files~

Random ImHex Pattern Files

tl;dr - I decided to make a folder with some .hexpat files, since I’ve been occasionally compelled to learn how to write new ones–and after doing that a few times, I figured I may as well make a git repo for them~

How to use

If you have ImHex, you can just drop these into a folder, and then add it to Help -> Settings -> Folders.

These patterns don’t have magic entries, so you can apply them by selecting the files in File -> Import -> Pattern File after you have something you want to parse open in the hex editor already! (And then click the “Run” button in the Pattern editor to apply it)


These are the format’s I’ve made pattern files for so far! More in the future incoming maybe?

This hexpat applies to the old Apogee game Cosmo’s Cosmic Adventure. I only have access to the shareware files, but you can play the game here, and get the data files for it inside of the archive on the same page.

The cosmo.hexpat applies to both the .STL and .VOL files, which are custom archives of files I haven’t yet really dug into individually, but you can still extract from now~

This hexpat applies to Duke Nukum’s (not a typo) map format, allowing you to edit/see the enemies/items/etc in each level. This pattern applies to all the WORLDAL*.DN1 files in this archive.

This hexpat is a simple pattern that will let you see the info in the header of the file, as well as select the actual code within to disassemble, and see/jump to the entrypoint