
This package offers advanced functionality for searching and filtering data in Elasticsearch.

Primary LanguagePHP

Hyperf Elasticsearch Driver

根据 babenkoivan/scout-elasticsearch-driver 改造的基于Hyperf框架的ElasticSearch组件。

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  • PHP version >=7.2.0
  • Hyperf Framework version >2.0
  • Elasticsearch version >=7


composer require archerzdip/hyperf-elasticsearch



php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish archerzdip/hyperf-elasticsearch
  • 配置文件在config/autoload/scout_elastic.php, 配置参数如下: *
Option Description
driver 默认defalut
soft_delete 是否软删除
prefix 前缀
client.host ElasticSearch client, default localhost:9200.如果存在密码: user:password@host:port
max_connections 最大连接数,默认500
indexer 索引方式,目前支持singlebulk
chunk.searchable 批量处理的搜索块数量
chuck.unsearchable 批量处理的搜索块数量
update_mapping 是否自动更新,默认 true
document_refresh This option controls when updated documents appear in the search results. Can be set to 'true', 'false', 'wait_for' or null. More details about this option you can find here. By default set to null.

Index Configurator


php bin/hyperf.php make:index-configurator MyIndexConfigurator



namespace App\ElasticIndexConfigurator;

use ArcherZdip\ScoutElastic\IndexConfigurator;
use ArcherZdip\ScoutElastic\Traits\Migratable;

class MyIndexConfigurator extends IndexConfigurator
    use Migratable;

    protected $name = 'my_index';

     * @var array
    protected $settings = [
        'analysis' => [
            'analyzer' => [
                'es_std' => [
                    'type' => 'standard',
                    'stopwords' => '_spanish_'

More about index settings you can find in the index management section of Elasticsearch documentation.

Searchable Model

php bin/hyperf.php make:searchable-model MyModel


Basic search usage example:

// set query string
    // specify columns to select
    ->select(['title', 'price'])
    // filter 
    ->where('color', 'red')
    // sort
    ->orderBy('price', 'asc')
    // collapse by field
    // set offset
    // set limit
    // get results

If you only need the number of matches for a query, use the count method:


If you need to load relations, use the with method:


In addition to standard functionality the package offers you the possibility to filter data in Elasticsearch without specifying a query string:

    ->where('id', 1)

Also you can override model search rules:


And use variety of where conditions:

    ->whereRegexp('name.raw', 'A.+')
    ->where('age', '>=', 30)

And filter out results with a score less than min_score:


And add more complex sorting (geo_distance eg.)

$model = App\MyModel::search('sales')
       '_geo_distance' =>  [
           'coordinates' => [
               'lat'   =>  51.507351,
               'lon'   =>  -0.127758
           'order'     =>  'asc',
           'unit'      =>  'm'

// To retrieve sort result, use model `sortPayload` attribute:

At last, if you want to send a custom request, you can use the searchRaw method:

    'query' => [
        'bool' => [
            'must' => [
                'match' => [
                    '_all' => 'Brazil'
## 直接返回ES数据

This query will return raw response.

Console Commands

Command Arguments Description
make:index-configurator name - The name of the class Creates a new Elasticsearch index configurator.
make:searchable-model name - The name of the class Creates a new searchable model.
make:search-rule name - The name of the class Creates a new search rule.
elastic:create-index index-configurator - The index configurator class Creates an Elasticsearch index.
elastic:update-index index-configurator - The index configurator class Updates settings and mappings of an Elasticsearch index.
elastic:drop-index index-configurator - The index configurator class Drops an Elasticsearch index.
elastic:update-mapping model - The model class Updates a model mapping.
elastic:migrate-model model - The model class, target-index - The index name to migrate Migrates model to another index.

For detailed description and all available options run php bin/hyperf.php help [command] in the command line.

Search rules

php bin/hyperf.php make:search-rule MySearchRule

