Angular-Yandex-Maps is an Angular library for simplifying work with the Yandex.Maps API. Supports Angular 6+.
The library implements the main components: map, panorama, placemark, geoobject, multiroute and controls. It also returns ymaps instance so you can use full API. For a more detailed description of inputs, outputs etc. check API Yandex.Maps documentation.
Leave suggestions, problems, errors, difficulties in GitHub Issues. Thanks for using the library!
- Using a custom image for the placemark
- Efficiently adding lots of placemarks to the map
- Route to the point on the map
- Searching for organizations
- Calculating delivery cost
- Using geocoder without creating map
npm install angular8-yandex-maps
import { AngularYandexMapsModule } from 'angular8-yandex-maps';
imports: [AngularYandexMapsModule.forRoot(API_KEY)]
* forRoot & API_KEY are optional
* imports: [AngularYandexMapsModule]
<div class="container">
<angular-yandex-map [center]="[55.751952, 37.600739]" [zoom]="12">
<angular-yandex-placemark [geometry]="[55.751952, 37.600739]"></angular-yandex-placemark>
.container {
width: 1000px;
height: 500px;