
Helpful HTB utilites

Primary LanguageZigThe UnlicenseUnlicense

A small set of utilities ported to Ziglang (for fun and no profit)


An example of adding a user with a DLL (sideload it).

As the name implies - with the right group / privileges - "there be dragons".

# Dump workgroup box
.\BackupOperatorToDomainAdministrator.exe HOSTNAME/user:password@HOSTNAME \\HOSTNAME\share\

# Dump domain box
.\BackupOperatorToDomainAdministrator.exe DOMAIN/user:password@ip \\HOSTNAME\share\

Provided a process in a 'high' context - leverage that to obtain SYSTEM.

.\HighToSystem.exe <pid> <fullpath to an executable>

Provided a process in a 'high' context - leverage that to obtain Trusted Installer.

.\HighToTrustedInstaller.exe <pid> <TI pid> <fullpath to an executable>

Call minidump on a PID.

Modify a processes privileges (enable/disable/remove)

# Enable all privileges to the current terminal
.\ModifyPrivilege.exe 0

# Enable all privilges on this PID
.\ModifyPrivilege.exe <some pid>

An open source alternative to ntrights.exe to allow manipulation of LSA policy on windows.

An example password filter (DLL) with catcher (if desired)

An example usage for the SeRelabel privilege.

Execute code in other sessions (spawns powershell).


With a msfvenom payload; example of shellcode execution on both Windows and Linux.

Provided a quick utility to create shortcuts from the command line.

 .\Shortcut.exe  C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe C:\users\username\desktop\cmd.lnk C:\

Get and Build

git clone git@github.com:ArchiMoebius/zig-win32-utilities.git --recurse-submodules

# - OR -

git clone https://github.com/ArchiMoebius/zig-win32-utilities.git --recurse-submodules

Setup Zig


Visit webinstall or just

curl -sS https://webi.sh/zig | sh
source ~/.config/envman/PATH.env

The above Creates ~/.local/opt/zig

Download Ziglang

Visit Zig and download / extract the most recent tagged version.


Creates those *.exe files.

tree zig-out


Creates those *.exe and *.pdb files.

make debug
tree zig-out