
The Brainiac library handles connections and data transfer between Braniac (alpha title) accessory and Android device.


Android 4.3+



Getting started

  1. Import library module to your android project.
  2. Initialize BrainiacManager.
  3. Set OnReceiveDataCallback.
  4. Set OnFftDataCallback.
  5. Connect to accessory

1. Import library module to your android project.

  1. Download source from GitHub.
  2. Open your project.
  3. Use File->New->Import Module and choose brainiac library.

2. Initialize BrainiacManager.

BrainiacManager brainiacManager = BrainiacManager.getBrainiacManager(this); // this - reference to instance of Context

3. Set OnReceiveDataCallback.

brainiacManager.setOnReceiveDataCallback(new OnReceiveDataCallback() {
public void onReceiveData(Value value) {
//Do something with recived data

4. Set OnFftDataCallback.

brainiacManager.setOnReceiveFftDataCallback(new OnReceiveFftDataCallback() {
public void onReceiveData(FftValue[] fftValues) {
//Do something with transformed data.

5. Connect to accessory

BluetoothAdapter bluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
if (bluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) {
if (brainiacManager.isConnected()) {
} else {



Value - class which represents raw values received from Braniac accessory. It contains a few fields:

  1. channel1 - brain activity measure for channel 1 (T3) - double
  2. channel2 - brain activity measure for channel 2 (O1) - double
  3. channel3 - brain activity measure for channel 3 (T4) - double
  4. channel4 - brain activity measure for channel 4 (O2) - double

##FftValue FftValue - class which represents transformed values. It contains a few fields:

  1. data1 - dominant frequency value for current time range and frequencies range 3-7 Hz - int
  2. data2 - dominant frequency value for current time range and frequencies range 7-13 Hz - int
  3. data3 - dominant frequency value for current time range and frequencies range 14-24 Hz - int

##OnConnectCallback OnConnectCallback is used for handling connection state.

###onConnectSuccess Callback is called after successful connection to Brainiac accessory.

void onConnectSuccess()

###onConnectFailed Callback is called after failed connection to Brainiac accessory.

void onConnectFailed()

##OnReceiveDataCallback OnReceiveDataCallback is used for handling a new bundle of raw data.

###onReceiveData Callback is called once raw data received.

void onReceiveData(Value value)


  • value - contains raw data of every channel

##OnReceiveFftDataCallback OnReceiveFftDataCallback is used for handling dominant frequencies.

###onReceiveData Callback is called once transformed data received.

void onReceiveData(FftValue[] fftValues)


  • fftValues - is array of 4 FftValue instances which represent dominant frequencies for every channel

##BrainiacManager The BrainiacManager class handles connections and data transfer between Braniac (alpha title) accessory and Android device.

###setOnReceiveFftDataCallback Register a callback to be invoked when fft data received.

public void setOnReceiveFftDataCallback(OnReceiveFftDataCallback onReceiveFftDataCallback)


  • onReceiveFftDataCallback - An implementation of OnReceiveFftDataCallback

###getBrainiacManager Returns BrainiacManager singleton.

public static BrainiacManager getBrainiacManager(Context context)


  • context - application context

###setOnReceiveDataCallback Register a callback to be invoked when raw data received.

public void setOnReceiveDataCallback(OnReceiveDataCallback onReceiveDataCallback)


  • onReceiveDataCallback - An implementation of OnReceiveDataCallback

###startScan Starts a scan for Brainiac devices.

public void startScan(final OnConnectCallback onConnectCallback)


  • onConnectCallback - These callbacks may get called at any time, when connected to a brainiac device.

###isConnected Indicates whether BrainiacManager connected to device. Return true if instance connected to device, false otherwise

public boolean isConnected()

###stopScan Stops an ongoing Bluetooth LE device scan.

public void stopScan()

###release Release all using resources

public void release()