
A Codeforces Helper Script

Primary LanguagePython


A simple web-scraping python script that sets up a nice directory structure for your codeforces contests so you can focus on the coding.

How it works

codeforces-helper https://codeforces.com/contest/<contest-id>


cfh https://codeforces.com/contest/<contest-id>

This will create a directory named <contest-id> under a directory defined during setup with the following structure.

├── A
│   ├── 0.exp
│   ├── 0.inp
│   ├── 0.out
│   ├── diff.sh
│   ├── run.sh
│   └── sol.cpp
... <similar for problems from B to E>
└── F
    ├── 0.exp
    ├── 0.inp
    ├── 0.out
    ├── 1.exp
    ├── 1.inp
    ├── 1.out
    ├── 2.exp
    ├── 2.inp
    ├── 2.out
    ├── diff.sh
    ├── run.sh
    └── sol.cpp
  • run.sh in each of the problem directories runs your sol.cpp against each of the inputs and redirects to corresponding output files.
  • diff.sh compares your output files against the expected output files.
  • clean.sh cleans the contest directory removing all the inp, out & exp files keeping only the solution files making the directory structure as shown below.
├── A.cpp
├── B.cpp
├── C.cpp
├── D.cpp
├── E.cpp
└── F.cpp

How to get it working

First, clone the repo wherever you like.

git clone https://github.com/ArchitBhonsle/codeforces-helper

Then you need to set up a virtual environment. I recommend using pipenv.

If you have python 2 installed pip with pip3.

pip install --user pipenv

This installs pipenv

cd "path/to/where/you/cloned/the/repo"
pipenv shell
pipenv install --ignore-pipfile
pipenv --venv   # Gives you the path to the virtual environment needed later

This will get all the dependencies set up.

However to make this script work you need to setup three environment variables. To do that add the following to your .bashrc

export CFHDIR="path/to/where/you/cloned/the/repo"
export CFHVENV="path/to/the/virtual/environment"
export DIRFORCES="path/to/a/directory/in/which/you/want/all/the/codeforces/contest/directories/to/go"
alias cfh="codeforces-helper"   # Optional

(The last line sets up an alias so you can type cfh instead of codeforces-helper)

The entire script is called from a bash script codeforces-helper. You need to make it executable.

chmod +x codeforces-helper

To make this codeforces-helper script executable from anywhere you need to copy the script to /usr/local/bin. Be sure that this copy is also executable using the above command.

Voila! The setup is now complete! Just run the below command to confirm.

codeforces-helper https://codeforces.com/contest/<contest-id>


cfh https://codeforces.com/contest/<contest-id>

The python part of the script I believe is cross-platform however the bash scripts naturally only work on systems with bash, basically UNIX systems. If you want to add Windows support please fell free to fork the repo.