
Text mining and Data Science applications on the twitter-data

Primary LanguageR


1. Problem Statement

Build a classification model to identify Sarcasm. The Data is taken from Twitter in different languages. Given data set includes Tweets, Tweet ids and a target variable (sarcastic or non-sarcastic).

2. Case study explaination:

This report is an analysis of Text data from Twitter. The data contains tweets from many different languages. We have to classify whether a tweet is sarcastic or non-sarcastic based on words used in it. The aim of this project is to build a Text classification model to classify statements to sarcastic or non-sarcastic to understand the true context in which it appears.

Exploratory Data Analysis

A. Understanding the data

The Given dataset contains 91298 Observations and 3 Variables- ID, tweet and label. The Independent variables needed for modelling should be structured, but our only predictor variable is unstructured. So, our first goal is to convert the unstructured tweets to structured variables (Terms). We use tm package for this text mining operations involved.

By observing head and tail of the data, we infered that tweets are in languages other than English. By researching, it is found that there are many other languages like Dutch, Spanish and Danish etc. So, while preprocessing, we have included stop words of all the languages installed in R. Tweets contain many meaningless characters such as Punctuation marks, Numbers, unwanted spaces, single alphabets. We have to clean all these irrelevant characters from tweets. This is taken care in Pre Processing step.

The label feature specifying the sentiment of the statement as sarcastic and non-sarcastic is a character by default. We have converted it to factor while analysis.

B. Understanding Visualizations

For getting Our First level of Insights, we are going to discuss Visualizations here in this module. We have constructed three Word clouds- One for entire data set, one for each of two data sets with either Sarcastic or Non-sarcastic class in them. And a Bar plot is constructed to represent most frequent terms of the whole corpus which have frequency more than 2000.

We are going to analysis these four visualizations and extract most frequent words which used in both Sarcastic and Non sarcastic tweets. It is very important to know that if a word occurs most frequently in both of the data set, then it is evident that those words doesn’t contribute to our model in classifying Sarcastic tweets from non-sarcastic. We are going to eliminate all those frequent words which appear in both data sets for fair distribution of the data.

Insights we got:

  1. Sarcastic and non-sarcastic tweets have fairly clear distinction in between them.

  2. There are only few words which are common in both the tweets which can confuse our model from classifying.

  3. Words like ‘love’, ‘day’, ‘today’, ‘tonight’, ‘danc’(dance), ‘final’ are most common frequent words in both kinds.

  4. There are few words which are frequent yet clearer in their appearance which are very helpful for the model in classifying.

  5. Words like ‘sarcasm’, ‘mar’, ‘pkt’, ‘sleep’, ‘make’, ‘yay’, ‘awesome’, ‘lol’, ‘bless’ are frequent in Sarcastic tweets.

  6. Words like 'father', 'thank', 'weekend', 'amp', 'smile', ‘birthday’ are frequent in Non-sarcastic tweets.

  7. We can find sarcastic words are more of Exclamatory, intense and unusual in their use. Ex: ‘gamelife’, ‘awesome’, ‘yay’, ‘wonder’, ‘laugh’ etc..,

  8. Whereas non-sarcastic words are more social and domestic. Ex: ‘father’, ‘kid’, ‘summer’, ‘forward’, ‘meet’ etc..,

Preprocessing and text cleaning

Our Unstructured Data should be converted to Structured Data in order to do modelling. We are using Text mining’s ‘tm’ package to do this. A corpus is prepared to preprocess and clean the data and do tokenization on it.

A user defined function vec2clean.corp is created to do preprocessing and cleaning of the corpus. This function takes in a vector with all the tweets in it and convert it to a corpus and cleans it. The following steps are done on the corpus:

  1. Case folding

The first preprocessing step is Case folding. Here, we are converting all the letters in the Corpus to lowercase using R’s base function tolower.

  1. Removing numbers

In this step, we are freeing corpus from numbers. Here, we use tm’s removeNumbers function.

  1. Remove stopwords

This is very interesting preprocessing step. This step is about eliminating words that doesn’t make any meaning. Usually, stopwords of English would be enough, but in our case, we have tweets in different language. We have tweets in English, Dutch, Danish, Spanish, French etc.., To deal with this, a vector is created to have all the stopwords of different languages. And Stopwords(‘SMART’) is also include which contains most of the common words in English other than the standard stopwords(‘en’) provide. Coming to user defined stopwords, we have few frequent words which can be considered. We are going to deal this in feature engineering with more analysis on them.

  1. User defined functions

While checking data for initial insights, there are few tweets which contain apostrophes in them. If we remove them with other punctuation, it is merging two different words to one and causing ambiguity. Also, we observed there are few tweets containing words which cause control flow problems (such as break). So, we should take care to avoid this situation. I have wrote a user defined function named AposToSpace, which takes corpus as argument and checks for ‘single’, ‘double’ quotes and control flow words ‘break’ and replace them to a space and returns clean corpus.

  1. Removing punctuation marks

We have use tm’s removePunctuation function to remove all punctuation marks such as comma, full stop, parenthesis, various brackets etc.., from the corpus.

  1. Stemming

For grammatical reasons, document contains different inflectional forms like tense forms and derivational forms, we are performing stemming to reduce all those words to their root word. We are using tm’s stemDocument function to do this. Stemming greatly help in reducing total number of terms and increase weighting.

  1. Striping whitespaces

The above performed preprocessing steps left our corpus with many leading and trailing whitespaces within documents. We are cleaning all of them in one go using tm’s stripWhitespace function. With this step our basic preprocessing is completed.


All the above discussed preprocessing and cleaning steps are wrapped in a user defined function for simplicity and usage across different code segments i.e, vec2clean.corp . The resulting corpus from vec2clean.corp is preprocessed and cleaned.

A Document Term Matrix (DTM) is created from the corpus. Term Frequency is considered as weighting to create Document term matrix to keep DTM simple. DTM has 91298 documents and 30555 terms with 100% sparsity.

Sparsity is reduced and we made 30555 terms to more relevant 958 terms. We try to get a balance between number of terms and vector size which R can allocate while processing. This Document term matrix is then converted to Data frame for Feature engineering.

Data frame has 91298 observations and 959 features (including target class) which has Document frequency of varying from 74 to 8976. We have successfully converted the raw Unstructured Data to Structured Data.


As a part of our First level of Insights, while visualizing word clouds individually for sarcastic and non-sarcastic tweets, we have observed an interesting trend in it. There are few words which are more frequently appearing in both classes. It is sane to remove these terms from model building due to their lack of contribution in classification by appearing in both classes. findFreqTerms function is used to check top 100 frequent terms in both classes and extract common words. These terms are saved in ‘common’ object. Words like ‘tonight’, ‘day’, ‘dance’, ‘love’, ‘today’ and ‘final’ are found to be common in both classes.

Checking correlation between the predictors is a must in Analysis. We have used tm’s findAssocs and pearson’s correlation matrix to detect correlation and association.

A 783 X 783 correlation matrix is built representing positive and negative correlations between terms. We have taken 50% as correlation limit and filtered out highly correlated terms from our structured data. Words like "mar, pkt", "lot, laugh", "lot, loud", "laugh, loud", "iam, affirm" are highly correlated pairs. A term is taken from each correlation pair and made a vector called corr.terms.

‘corr.terms’ are combined with ‘common’ words and together removed from the data. This step has provided us with significant raise in accuracy while modelling (almost 4% percent of accuracy). After removing highly correlated terms and common terms, we are left with 948 terms.


After doing Feature Engineering on the Data, we have taken two sets of data. One containing Numeric predictors and other with Factor predictors, both along with target variable ‘label’.

master contains numeric predictors and target variable. master.factor contains categorical predictors and target variable. We did binning on numeric predictors and set 1 for the presence of term and 0 for the absence.


As data is really huge with 91298 X 948 dimensions (including target class), Sampling is inevitable to build our models. Our data is gifted with having 44:56 ratio in target class. We are using stratified sampling to preserve this ratio throughout sampling and splitting. ‘caTools’ package is used to implement stratified sampling.

We have created a user defined function sample2train.test for sampling the master data set and creating Training and testing sets. sample2train.test will take 4 arguments in which 2 are optional. sample2train.test will take master data set and a number for seed to set random sample.

Remaining Optional parameters are sample ratio and training split ratio which are set to default of 0.055 to provide a sample of more than 5022 observations and 0.8 to have 80:20 as training and testing ratio. sample2train.test is designed in such a way, that it returns a list of Train and Test sets. We further assign them to train and test object and save them for modelling.

Machine Learning

We are taking 10 samples of master data set and train our models using set.seed function. We are considering Naïve Bayes as our Base model which is very significant in Text classification because of its assumption of considering all variables equally important and independent. Random forest model is our ensemble model in this analysis. As Random forest can handle numeric and factor data, we are providing both for a given sample and validate the performance.

All the models are trained with 5022 X 948 sample and split to 4018 X 948 Training and 1004 X 948 Testing sets.

A. NAÏVE BAYES MODELLING Using ‘e1071’ package, we are training our Naïve Bayes classifier with factor data. Being a Bayesian classifier with an assumption of having equally important and independent features, we are expecting a very good accuracy with Naïve Bayes. We are training the model with 10 samples changing seed. Naïve Bayes model with default parameters trained on 10 samples have given quite good accuracy with a median 77.14 and 78.59 as highest accuracy. Being a base model, Naïve Bayes gave very good accuracy with this huge data.

B. RANDOM FOREST MODELLING Being an ensemble model, random forest is popular in providing very good model. We have trained our Random forest model with Numeric data and Factor data. Random forest model also gave good accuracies. We have used h2o package to build random forest models as it is really quick in training a model using h2o. With Numeric data, our ensemble model provided us a median accuracy of 74.65 and with highest of 76.59. With Factor data, our ensemble model provided a median accuracy of 76.30 and highest of 76.69. It is very interesting to know that factor data is more informative in our Classification than numeric data.


We have modelled GBM and Logistic regression along with above models as an experiment. Principal component analysis is done, but they proved to be futile while modelling and hard to do PCA on huge data with R. After Evaluating all these with Naïve Bayes model and Random forest model with Numeric and Factor data with 10 samples of data, we are more inclined to choose our base model, Naïve Bayes as our model to freeze for our analysis.


We have chosen our Naïve Bayes as our Model for this analysis. We are tuning our Naïve Bayes to get more reliable and robust model for Sarcastic or Not Text classification.

Being a classifier based on conditional probabilities, Naïve Bayes has a parameter called Laplace estimator. Generally while modelling, there are features who have zero probability to a class which may cause disturbance while evaluating. We have set this parameter to 1 (Laplace = 1). Laplace estimator will make sure there are no zero probabilities throughout the model and set a minimum of 1.

This Laplace estimator tuning has increased accuracy further and made our model more appropriate and robust for our problem. Naïve Bayes model with Laplace estimator has evaluated with a median of 77.89 and a maximum accuracy of 79.28.

“Naïve Bayes model with Laplace estimator as 1 resulted us a more Robust model.”


  1. ‘data.table’ for faster data manipulations
  2. ‘tm’ package for text mining
  3. ‘caTools’ for Stratified sampling and Training and Testing splits
  4. ‘caret’ for building confusion matrices
  5. ‘e1071’ for building Naïve Bayes classifier
  6. ‘h2o’ for faster implementation of Random forest
  7. ‘wordcloud’ for visualizing word clouds
  8. ‘ggplot2’ for bar plot visualizations.


“Sarcastic or Not” is a Text classification problem combined with both Text mining and Data mining is really an interesting problem to work on. Being a subtlest phenomenon, sarcasm is hard even in real world situation where a person should be more intelligent in different forms of language and vocals.

This is a real Data Science challenge with a bright future scope.

In this case study, we have converted Unstructured Raw Data to clean preprocessed and Structured Data with a lot of information to work on. We have built correlation matrix and compared most frequent terms between the target classes to help our model with more clearly classified information and finally built models and tuned them to perfection.