
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Lit Access Control Integration with Stackr Micro-rollup


This guide provides integrating Lit protocol with Stackr Micro-rollup to apply access control based on the Micro-rollup’s state using Lit Actions and session signatures.


Folder Structure

├── client
│   ├── pages
│   │   └── index.ts
│   ├── public
│   ├── styles
└── rollup
    ├── Dockerfile
    ├── deployment.json
    ├── genesis-state.json
    ├── src
    ├── stackr.config.ts
    └── tsconfig.json

How to run?


Clone the repository using the command

git clone https://github.com/Architsharma7/Lit-Stackr.git

install the packages using the commands in /rollup and /client respectively.

bun install
npm install

Rollup set up

Set up the env env setup, delete the deployment.json file and run the command inside the /rollup directory

npx @stackr/cli@latest register

First, run the Micro rollup using the command inside the /rollup directory

bun run src/index.ts

Next step is to setup Ngrok to expose the micro-rollup running on the localhost

The steps for setup can be found here: ngrok setup

Setup Client

Then, In the client/pages/index.ts

const checkPermission = async () => {
    if (!litNodeClient || !address) {
      console.log("LitNodeClient not initialized or Lit Action not uploaded");

    try {
      console.log("Checking permission...");
      const nonce = await litNodeClient.getLatestBlockhash();
      console.log("Nonce:", nonce);

      const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);
      const signer = provider.getSigner();

      const sessionSigs = await litNodeClient.getSessionSigs({
        chain: "ethereum",
        expiration: new Date(Date.now() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24).toISOString(), // 24 hours
        resourceAbilityRequests: [
            resource: new LitActionResource("*"),
            ability: LitAbility.LitActionExecution,

        authNeededCallback: async ({
        }) => {
          const toSign = await createSiweMessageWithRecaps({
            resources: resourceAbilityRequests,
            walletAddress: address,
            nonce: await litNodeClient.getLatestBlockhash(),

          return await generateAuthSig({
            signer: signer,

      console.log("Session Signatures:", sessionSigs);

      if (litNodeClient === null) {
        console.log("LitNodeClient is null");

      const response = await litNodeClient.executeJs({
        code: litActionCode,
        /* //note: since Lit actions are executed in a sandboxed environment on the Lit nodes, it does
        not have access to local network, the mruServerUrl should be a deployed server url, not a localhost url. */
        jsParams: {
          mruServerUrl: "",
          userAddress: address,
          minBalance: 100,
        sessionSigs: sessionSigs,

      console.log("Response:", response);

      const hasPermission = response.response === "true";
      return hasPermission;
    } catch (err) {
      console.error("Error checking permission:", err);
      setActionResult("Error occurred while checking permission.");

set the mruServerUrl as the ngrok URL.

and run the command in the /client directory

npm run dev