
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Bamazon-node-app is Amazon-like app, created with JavaScript, Node.js and MySQL database. The application has 3 modes: Customer mode, Manager mode and Supervisor mode.

Customer Mode

When you run bamazonCustomer.js file, as a customer, you will be prompted if you want to buy a product.


If you do, you will see a table with:

  • a list of products,
  • products id,
  • products prices,
  • quantity,
  • Departments names,
  • Departments ID


After that, user will be asked for two questions:

  • ID of a product, that user wants to buy
  • How many products user wants to buy

If user will input more quantity than store has, user will get a message "Insufficient quantity".


If user input correct numbers, the purchase will be proceed and quantity will be updated.


Manager Mode

When you run bamazonManager.js file, as a manager, you will be prompted following options:

  • View Products for Sale,
  • View Low Inventory,
  • Add to Inventory,
  • Add New Product


  1. View Products for Sale feature will create a table with following data:
    • Item ID
    • Product name
    • Price
    • Stock Quantity
    • Product Sales
    • Department ID


  1. View Low Inventory feature will create a table with data about products with quantity less than 5


  1. Add to Inventory feature will promt user for Product ID and how many products user wants to add. After that quantity of this product will be updated in database.


  1. Add New Product feature will prompt user for a few questions about new product, such as name, price, quantity and department ID. User will see the results by using View Products for Sale feature.


Supervisor Mode

When you run bamazonSupervisor.js file, as a supervisor, you will be prompted following options:

View Products Sales by Department Create a New Department


  1. View Products Sales by Department feature will create a table with following data:

    • Department ID
    • Department name
    • over_head_cost (How much money were spent for products of each department)
    • Total Profit (product_sales - over_head_cost). If number is more than 0, it means that this department makes profit, If less than 0 - not yet.
    • Product Sales


  1. Create a new department feature will prompt user for two questions about new department, such as name and over_head_cost.


REMEMBER If you would like to create a new department and new product under this department, you should create the department first. Because if you will write not exist Department ID, product will not be created.


All three Modes have shared database. It means that if customer will buy some product, it will update a few columns:

  • Product quantity in customer and manager modes
  • Product sales in manager and supervisor modes
  • Total profit in supervisor mode

screenshot screenshot