A tool to convert EAC-CPF and EAD 2002 XML files to RDF datasets conforming to Records in Contexts Ontology (RiC-O)
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Fix AgentTemporalRelation (test 26)
#91 opened by tfrancart - 0
- 2
Mettre à jour le site web de doc
#63 opened by tfrancart - 3
Utilisation de propriétés plus précises pour lier RecordResource et Instantiation
#60 opened by tfrancart - 1
Duplicated rico:hasOrHadLocation for intermediate instances of rico:Place when processing a large collection of EAC files
#71 opened by florenceclavaud - 2
- 0
Modification des noms de relations (suite)
#78 opened by tfrancart - 4
- 0
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Mettre à jour les vocabulaires des AnF
#77 opened by florenceclavaud - 1
Mettre à jour le tableau de mapping
#62 opened by tfrancart - 3
Remplacer systématiquement rico:includesOrIncluded par rico:directlyIncludes - pas d'expression des relations transitives
#56 opened by tfrancart - 0
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Rolification des relations : remplacer les prédicats utilisés dans les relations par les nouvelles propriétés RiC-O 1.0
#59 opened by tfrancart - 0
remplacer rico:hasOrHadSubordinate par rico:hasDirectSubordinate lorsque la relation existe toujours, ou par hadSubordinate si elle est passée
#58 opened by tfrancart - 4
remplacer rico:hasOrHadSubdivision (entre deux CorporateBody) par rico:hasDirectSubdivision lorsque la relation existe toujours (si pas de date de fin), ou par rico:hadSubdivision si la relation est passée (si date de fin)
#57 opened by tfrancart - 0
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Règles métier spécifiques AN - à préciser
#68 opened by tfrancart - 0
Génération et publication des 2 documentations (EAD + EAC) produites à partir du SHACL
#67 opened by tfrancart - 0
#66 opened by tfrancart - 0
#65 opened by tfrancart - 0
Ecriture d'une documentation sur la façon de lancer une vérification des données avec SHACL
#64 opened by tfrancart - 0
hard-coded h4 in ead2rico.xslt
#53 opened by lul-Jason - 1
Typo in
#52 opened by LuciaGiagnolini12 - 0
Wrong version in .bat file
#48 opened by tfrancart - 12
Update documentation with latest enhancements
#20 opened by tfrancart - 1
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Add website structure in French
#39 opened by tfrancart - 9
- 5
Handle the case where entityId has a localType attribute with values "numéro RNA", "numéro SIREN" or "numéro SIRET"
#28 opened by florenceclavaud - 0
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Differenciate between Person and Organization when relating an agent to an activity
#17 opened by tfrancart - 0
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Update language controlled vocabulary file
#37 opened by tfrancart - 1
Shortcut properties for mandates and activities
#36 opened by tfrancart - 5
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- 1
Fix hasDocumentaryFormType
#9 opened by tfrancart - 5
Fix includesOrIncluded
#10 opened by tfrancart - 2
- 4
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Migrate documentation to Github pages
#19 opened by tfrancart - 2
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Improve <unitDate> processing to generate a single rico:date when @normal contains a period with identical start and end date
#11 opened by tfrancart - 0
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