This action allows scanning your .NET project(s) with SonarCloud.
You can use this action on pushed commits, pull requests and pushed tags.
Whenever a commit on the default branch is pushed, this action will use the name of that branch as a version tag on SonarCloud to prevent a previous version tag from moving to the most recent analysis.
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: 0 # This is necessary to get blame information in SonarCloud
- uses: actions/setup-java@v1
java-version: '>=11' # SonarCloud has deprecated usage of Java 8,
# and GitHub actions includes Java 8 by default
- uses: Archomeda/sonarcloud-dotnet-action@v1
sonarToken: ${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }} # (Required) Your SonarCloud token
sonarOrganization: 'organizationKey' # (Required) SonarCloud organization key
sonarProject: 'projectKey' # (Required) SonarCloud project key
sonarUrl: '' # (Optional) SonarCloud host URL
sonarProjectBaseDir: 'some-dir' # (Optional) SonarCloud project base directory
- run: dotnet build
If you want to include code coverage, the following example works with coverlet:
- uses: Archomeda/sonarcloud-dotnet-action@v1
sonarToken: ${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}
sonarOrganization: 'organizationKey'
sonarProject: 'projectKey'
sonarAdditionalArgs: /d:sonar.cs.opencover.reportsPaths=**/coverage.opencover.xml
- run: dotnet test --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage" -- DataCollectionRunSettings.DataCollectors.DataCollector.Configuration.Format=opencover