
A collection of notes and other study materials that I have compiled during my time in University of Macedonia.

📚 University Notes Repository

Welcome to my repository of notes from my university studies! Here you will find a collection of notes, summaries, and other study materials that I have compiled during my time in university. Please note that I may not update this repository regularly. You should also note that most of the notes I have are in greek.

💡 How to Use

You are welcome to browse through and use these materials as a resource to supplement your own studies. Please note that these notes are meant to be a supplement and should not be used as a replacement for attending lectures and doing your own coursework.

🤝 Contribution

If you have any additional notes or study materials that you think would be useful to add to this repository, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or submit a pull request.

📜 Disclaimer

Please note that these materials are provided as-is, and I cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information contained within. Use these materials at your own risk.