
Simple Simple little game engine with openGL

Primary LanguageC++


Simple Simple little engine, any developer with some knowledge of C++ and openGl can easily read and use it. (Maybe some students can use it as the homework of computer graphic XD)

A noob game developer's first game engine with openGL. With feature of GameObject, Transform, Input, Light, Shading and so on.

This engine only use some basic library like glew、glfw、glm, with some dll like FreeImage to read assets.

This engine is called Arc_Engine, as I use Arc as my English name everywhere.

As I am a game developer with three years of Unity engine, this little engine is full of my implemation of simple Unity feature.

If anyone see this little engine and like it, I beg you to give me a star. As I am a student who is looking for a job as game developer, your star means a lot to me.

I use this little engine to implement a sokoban game (box mover), the gif is shown below.

2019/3/21 update, add Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) and Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA), the new gif is shown below.

You can see the render quality of the sokoban game has been improved comparing to the old one;

Heres the new one (with SSAO and FXAA):


Old one here:


This little is still not fully completed, I will gradually improve it.

--------------------------for compile------------------------------

What you need for complie is Visual studio (my own version of it is vs2017), cmake, and openGl 4.0 or higher.

With things above you can compile it, if you find any problem of compiling please comment me.

For running, you should make sure that your version of windows sdk is right and the platform is set to x64 in the setting of solution.