Little Discord Bot developed with Node.js and API for Way to Wype guild.
Way to Wype is a French guild on Elune-EU Server.
You can send a private message to Arctarus#2334 to get more informations and an invite to our Discord server.
If you want to use functionnaly of this bot, you need to add an auth.json config file in the root folder and add your API Key for Discord and Blizzard API.
Note : Don't add the auth.json in your repository, it's your private data !
You can contact me to contribute to this bot and if you want more command.
- Arctarus - Initial work - Arct4
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Calendar
- See events with
return an embed message
- Add raids events for given month with
!calendar-month-event raid october
- Work with some alias set in enum EventType.json
- Work with month in English atm
- Need to add some default config in config.json file
- Add dungeons events with
!calendar-month-event dungeon october
- Work with some alias set in enum EventType.json
- Add HFs events with
!calendar-month-event HF october
- Work with some alias set in enum EventType.json
- Send automatic message when an event occur in a day (set a default channel to send message needed)
- See events with
- Member
- Update Class and Role from Armory
- Add roster's members with a specific rank (like Guild Master or Roster)
- Add data about gems and enchants for roster's members or a specific player
- Add chart to see Raider.IO score, and each better key down for a character
- Guide
- Found on Wowhead, Icy Veins or other site a guide for class or profession
- Improvement
- Welcome message send in DM with custom message
- Set a default channel to answer
- Let user set a custom prefix for command
- Send bot's answer with multipart messages to avoid Discord limit (2000 characters)
- Use channels objects for default channel (#my_channel), not a string (my_channel)
- On role update, can send a private message to the user to explain the new access
- Add translation management
- Upgrade Calendar management
- Edit specific event
- Add icon's url for an event (to identify the event like Uldir or TD or AD for example)
- Work on multiple server
- Calendar management
- DM management (welcome and roles)
- Roster's members management
- Docs
- Add docs for each command available