
Dockerfiles and scripts for Images at hosted at Docker Hub.

Primary LanguageShell

Docker Hub

Dockerfiles and scripts for my Images hosted at https://hub.docker.com/u/kosdk.

You can build most of the images using the build.ps1 powershell script in each folder to build the respective images. Check the sections below for any parameters that you can pass to the builder.

The PowerShell build scripts have a $tag variable that you can edit so you can customize the image tag name for your repository. There is also a environment variable called DOCKER_HUB_PROFILE which contains the profile repository that these images are hosted on. The DOCKER_HUB_PROFILE must be set before using the build.ps1 scripts.

These build scripts use the experimental buildx command in Docker Desktop or higher to build for multiple Linux platforms. You need to enable experimental features. Read more about this command here.

All these packages support multiple linux architectures including the Raspberry Pi. You're welcome!

Building Images

Building of the images is done via the unified build tool. Located in the repository root, the build tool build.ps1 can build the images as required.

The environment variable DOCKER_HUB_PROFILE must be set before you can build as this specifies the docker hub profile to build the image for.

Parameter Type Description
-image string The image to build. Required.
-output string The docker build output type (load, push, folder).
-outputpath string The output path when the output type is folder.
-version string Specifies a tag for the image. Required when image does not provide a version.

Check the readme for each image to see if there are any additional parameters to pass to build tool for the image.

Build Example

.\build soxplayer -output load -version 123


UBT = Build using the Unified Build Tool.

Web Service Discovery host daemon

Readme | UBT

Allows legacy samba shares to be discovered by Windows 10 version 1511 and higher. Useful when hosting samba in docker. Runs on Python 3.

Chocolatey Package Manager


Supports building packages and pushing them to a Chocolatey Registry in a Linux Container.

This image only supports the choco pack, choco new and choco push commands.

PowerShell Core


Run PowerShell Core in a Linux Container.



The ISC DHCP Server running in a Docker Container.


Readme | UBT

The RTL_TCP tool running in a Docker container.

Mega.nz megacmd

Readme | UBT

megacmd with some convenience functions to help with backing up files.

Sox Player

Readme | BSD 3-Clause | UBT

Runs sox player in a container with a simple HTTP web API to play/stop audio on demand.

File Updater

Readme | BSD 3-Clause | UBT

A linux container with a script to update files at set intervals with support for many platforms.

DuckDNS Updater Client

Readme | BSD 3-Clause | UBT

A linux container to update your Dynamic DNS with DuckDNS with support for many platforms.

Docker in Docker with Powershell


A amd64 only container built from the official Docker container that includes Powershell Core.