
Count opened urls and show them under hostname.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

chrome extension url counter


Count opened urls and show them under hostname.

Available @Chrome Web Store


As a web developer, I am always on browser. But I don't know what I am doing everyday so the question follows, did I work today or just reading so many articles about developing or maybe I did nothing at all. I was thinking how great it would be if only I could see which websites I was visiting with ease. So I decided to write an extension to do that. I was not sure if I use the data for anything but it would be nice to see what is going on on my browser all day. Here is the project that I can manage to publish at chrome web store, and feel free to use and/or contribute the project if you would like.

Task List

  • Build an option page
  • Make host list elements deleteable
  • Add a clear button that resets all data
  • Preserve previous day's data for exporting
  • Reference Github repo
  • Sort according to visit count
  • Sort according to name
  • Add a switch button for change sorting mechanism
  • Add informing messages in case of no data
  • Add total visit count to extension logo
  • Add blacklist for not tracking specific websites
  • Store 30 days
  • Make days slideable
  • Add panel for all time counts
  • Track active tab times
  • Make sync with another devices
  • Show active windows?
  • Add option for save duration
  • Make it keyboard use friendly
  • Add Tweet connection
  • Add an export option as csv
  • Show how many browser is opened
  • Make a new logo
  • Add Language selection
  • Add light and dark theme
  • Add theme choice with different color palettes (neon, pastel, neutral, etc);
  • Cache loaded logos
  • Add an export option to a provided link
  • Make options page responsive
  • Hourly new tab count
  • Average tab lifespan


How to contribute to the project

You can contribute in everyway as you like. You can code, design UX/UI or even just give and idea that would improve the project. There is unfortunately no donation option for now.