
Use Nginx with multiple Node.js web server to try load balancing in Docker for SENG468 Course

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Docker Nginx Load Balancing

Use Nginx with multiple Node.js web server to try load balancing in Docker

Project Structure

The project structure of the repo.

| |____Dockerfile
| |____package.json
| |____server.js
| |____Dockerfile
| |____nginx.conf


Build up the service.

$ docker-compose up --build

Hello Nginx

You can test the load balancing of nginx by opening the localhost:5200 on your browser.

K6 Load Testing

Script.js file is added to hit the endpoint we configured a load balancer to. You can run the following command to perform a load test:

$ k6 -u [number_of_simuntaneous_users] -d [hit_period_duration_in_seconds]s --out json=log.json script.js