Clay 3D Printer Extruder Controlelr Board

by Ardavan Bidgoli An Arduino sketch to control a clay extruder for robotic 3d printing.

Pin Setup

  • D2: Load button: When pushed, the plunge moves up and let you load clay,
  • D3: Print button: If not in load mode, pushing this will push the plunge down,
  • D4: Direction signal pin: Sends the direction signal to the microstepper,
  • D5: Step signal pin: Sends the step or pull signal to the microstepper,
  • A0: potentiometer pin: reads the value of a potentiometer to adjust the motor speed.
  • A4: Display SDA pin
  • A5: Display SCL pin

Hardware Pieces


  • Adafruit_GFX (for display module)
  • Adafruit_SSD1306 (for display module)
  • Wire (for display module)

Known Issues

  • Not tested yet.

To do

  • Test on the robot
  • Complete the documentation


Just like any other porject that involves robots, take extreme caution while operating the system.

  • In case of emergency hit STOP to stop the robot. Please be noted that the robot will not stop immediately, but (probably) after finishing its last buffered action.

  • The extruder will not stop unless you have the power cord detached.

By Ardavn Bidgoli, Fall 2022