by Ardavan Bidgoli An Arduino sketch to control a clay extruder for robotic 3d printing.
- D2: Load button: When pushed, the plunge moves up and let you load clay,
- D3: Print button: If not in load mode, pushing this will push the plunge down,
- D4: Direction signal pin: Sends the direction signal to the microstepper,
- D5: Step signal pin: Sends the step or pull signal to the microstepper,
- A0: potentiometer pin: reads the value of a potentiometer to adjust the motor speed.
- A4: Display SDA pin
- A5: Display SCL pin
- I2C IIC Serial 128X64 OLED Display
- Arduino Nano
- Digital Microstep driver DM542
- Push Button
- Flip Switch
- Adafruit_GFX (for display module)
- Adafruit_SSD1306 (for display module)
- Wire (for display module)
- Not tested yet.
- Test on the robot
- Complete the documentation
Just like any other porject that involves robots, take extreme caution while operating the system.
In case of emergency hit STOP to stop the robot. Please be noted that the robot will not stop immediately, but (probably) after finishing its last buffered action.
The extruder will not stop unless you have the power cord detached.
By Ardavn Bidgoli, Fall 2022