- opencv
- arducam-usb-sdk-dev
- arducam-config-parser-dev
sudo apt install libopencv-dev
curl -s --compressed "https://arducam.github.io/arducam_ppa/KEY.gpg" | sudo apt-key add -
sudo curl -s --compressed -o /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arducam_list_files.list "https://arducam.github.io/arducam_ppa/arducam_list_files.list"
sudo apt update
sudo apt install arducam-config-parser-dev arducam-usb-sdk-dev
execute script
sudo chmod +x configure_udev_rules.sh
git clone https://github.com/ArduCAM/ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield_Cpp_Demo.git
cd ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield_Cpp_Demo
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j2
The default device number is equal to 0
./Arducam_Opencv_Demo <path/config-file-name>
select device
./Arducam_Opencv_Demo <path/config-file-name> 1
Note: Configuration files can be found here: ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield
When using the camera under Linux, there may be Error beginning capture, rtn_val = 65312
This error may be caused by insufficient buffer of usbfs. You can solve this problem by increasing usbfs_memory_mb,
Example: Set usbfs_memory_mb to 32 (default 16)
sudo sh -c 'echo 32 > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfs_memory_mb'