This the MIPI camera software SDK for Raspberry pi platform, which allow you connect global shutter cameras and upto 18MP cameras on RPI board.
Now the supported MIPI camera modules are below:
0.3MP OV7251 Monochrome Global Shutter
1MP OV9281 Monochrome Global Shutter
2MP OV2311 Monochrome Global Shutter
13MP IMX135 Color Rolling Shutter
16MP IMX298 Color Rolling Shutter
18MP AR1820 Color Rolling Shutter
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libzbar-dev libopencv-dev
sudo apt-get install python-opencv
$ pi@raspberrypi:~ $ git clone
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd MIPI_Camera/RPI/
pi@raspberrypi:~/MIPI_Camera/RPI $ make install
pi@raspberrypi:~/MIPI_Camera/RPI $ chmod +x
pi@raspberrypi:~/MIPI_Camera/RPI $ ./
[Notice] For Pi4 platform
cd /tmp
sudo dpkg -i wiringpi-latest.deb
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd MIPI_Camera/RPI/
pi@raspberrypi:~/MIPI_Camera/RPI $ make clean && make
This is a comprehensive application, user can use it to preview, get image in different format and fine tuning the image quality.
- get help
pi@raspberrypi:~/MIPI_Camera/RPI $ ./arducamstill -?
- Previdew in mode 1 and enable awb enable ae
pi@raspberrypi:~/MIPI_Camera/RPI $ ./arducamstill -t 0 -m 1 -awb 1 -ae 1
- From the print message, you can see the current mode framerate .etc
Current mode: 1, width: 1280, height: 960, pixelformat: pBAA, desc: (null)
[Framerate]: 02 pfs, [Exposure]: 2680, [Focus]: 0190,[Rgain]: 0140, [Bgain]: 0070
- Preview 5 seconds, then get a image in jpg format
pi@raspberrypi:~/MIPI_Camera/RPI $ ./arducamstill -t 5000 -m 1 -e jpg -o test.jpg
- Detail parameters
-t, --timeout : Time (in ms) before takes picture and shuts down (if not specified, loop)
-q, --quality : Set jpeg quality <0 to 100>
-m, --mode : Set sensor mode
-awb, --autowhitebalance : Enable or disable awb
-ae, --autoexposure : Enable or disable ae
-rgain, --awbrgain : Set R channel gian vaue <0 to 65535>
-bgain, --awbbgain : Set B channel gian vaue <0 to 65535>
-o, --capture : usd to get one frame
-e, --encoding : Encoding to use for output file (jpg, bmp, gif, png,raw)
-?, --help : This help information
- Fine tuning the exposure focus and gain using the keyboard.
- After getting a good result, you can set the curruent value using arducam_set_control API. For the detail APIs, please refer to
- Arducam release ISP demo depend on opencv
cd /MIPI_Camera/RPI/ISP
For the convenience of users to see the effect of fine-tuning intuitively, arduacm release a GUI application
pi@raspberrypi:~/MIPI_Camera/RPI $ ./opencvGui
- Toolbar introduction
-Quit : close the application
-AWB : enable and disable auto white balance function
-AE : enable and disable auto exposure function
-Reset : reset all parameters
-Snapshot : get one frame image
-exposure step 1 : fine-tuning exposure time
-focus step 1 : fine-tuning focus value
-awb rgain compensation : fine-tuning awb rgain compensation
-awb bgain compensation : fine-tuning awb bgain compensation
- Press Ctrl + C to exit the application
This demo is used to check all resolution the sensor you are using supports
pi@raspberrypi:~/MIPI_Camera/RPI $ ./list_format
- capture This demo is used to capture one frame image with the special encoder format we set .
pi@raspberrypi:~/MIPI_Camera/RPI $ ./capture
If I choose mode 0
The default encoder is jpeg, if you want to change others, just opne the capture.c file
and change here:
Notice: if you want to get the image with BMP or PNG encoder, you shuold set the encoder time to more. I advise you set 12000 in the capture.c file.
pi@raspberrypi:~/MIPI_Camera/RPI $ ./list_format
From the print message, we can see the mode 7-11 ared used for stereo hat. I choose the mode7 as a demo
pi@raspberrypi:~/MIPI_Camera/RPI $ ./preview_setMode 7
Edit /boot/config.txt file. Find gpu_mem=xxx line Modify gpu_mem size with proper size, recommend to use
for 13MP camera board,
for 16MP or higher camera board.
$ ./preview_setMode [mode]
In the preview_setMode example, it will demo how to do preview the Specified mode listed from ./list_format command.
$ ./capture [mode]
In the capture.c example, it will capture diffferent resolution in with different encoder, support JPEG BMP PNG.
$ ./capture_raw
In the capture_raw.c example, it will capture diffferent resolution none interpolation raw format images, especially useful for monochrome sensors.
$ ./raw_callback
In the raw_callback.c example, it is callback version of capture_raw example.
$ ./video
In the video.c example, it will record the video in H246 format.
$ ./list_format
In the list_format.c example, it will list camera supported resolution and control functions.
$ ./read_write_sensor_reg
In the read_write_sensor_reg.c example, it illustrates how to directly read/write sensor registers. This example might need to be modifed according to the correct sensor register address.
$ ./capture2opencv
In the capture2opencv.cpp example, it converts YUV data to OpenCV Mat format, and displays as is.
In the video2stdout.c example, it outputs H.264 video stream to stdout, and uses gstreamer to push the stream to PC.
Raspberry pi side command:
$ ./video2stdout | nc -l -p 5000
PC side command: (x.x.x.x is your Raspberry Pi IP address)
$ gst-launch-1.0 -v tcpclientsrc host=x.x.x.x port=5000 ! decodebin ! autovideosink
Raspberry pi side command: (x.x.x.x is your Raspberry Pi IP address)
$ ./video2stdout | gst-launch-1.0 -v fdsrc ! h264parse ! rtph264pay config-interval=1 pt=96 ! gdppay ! tcpserversink host=x.x.x.x port=5000
PC side command: (x.x.x.x is your Raspberry Pi IP address)
$ gst-launch-1.0 -v tcpclientsrc host=x.x.x.x port=5000 ! gdpdepay ! rtph264depay ! avdec_h264 ! autovideosink sync=false
$ ./qrcode_detection <exposure_value>
In the qrcode_detection.cpp example, it illustrates how to use global shutter camera like OV7251 or OV9281 to detect QR code using OpenCV. To run this demo you have to install the dependence
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libzbar-dev libopencv-dev
$ ./preview-dualcam
$ ./capture-dualcam
In the preview-dualcam.c examle, it illustrates how to open the two camera ports on Raspberry pi compute module at the same time for preview. And the capture-dualcam.c examle, it illustrates how to do capture from each camera port on Raspberry pi compute module by switching between them.
A camera_interface struct should be constructed according to your hardware wiring.
For example camera port 0 is using sda_pin 28, scl_pin 29, led_pin 30, shutdown_pin 31, and camera port 1 is using sda_pin 0, scl_pin 1, led_pin 2, shutdown_pin 3.
More information about the compute module wiring please check :
In the ov9281_external_trigger.c example, you can see how to synchronize the camera to the external trigger events.
The script is a wrapper for the dynamic library. To use this script you need to pre-install All python examples are in the Python Folder.
This demo used to get raw10 image. Then unpack it to raw16. Display it using openCV
sudo pip install v4l2
sudo pip install numpy
sudo apt-get install python-opencv
- Compile hello_video.bin
$ cd /opt/vc/src/hello_pi && ./
- Play H264 file
$ /opt/vc/src/hello_pi/hello_video/hello_video.bin test.h264
In the utils folder, there are two python script to read and display RAW image.
is used to display color RAW image.
is used to display monochrome RAW iamge.
Didn't enable the camera, see Prerequisites->Enable the camera.
Didn't enable i2c_vc, see Prerequisites->Enable i2c_vc.
Camera cable loose.
Run the script camera_i2c from utils folder and send output message to
sudo chmod +x camera_i2c rpi3-gpiovirtbuf
e.g imx298
You should set the gpu_mem to bigger. Open the config.txt file. Then reboot