
The error continues to occur. Is there a way to take action?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

lck@aaa:~/gz_ws/src$ gz sim -v4 -r skycat_runway.sdf
[Wrn] [] Fuel world download failed because Fetch failed. Other errors


I added it and proceeded with the source ~/.bashrc,
It doesn't work.

Someone tell me how to do it

*iris_runway or zephyr runs well

thank you.

@GreenPine-CK, this looks like an issue with your resource path. What directory did you clone SITL_Models to? Can you also provide the full console output and the value of echo $GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH.

The directory path is /home/lck/gz_ws/src/ardupilot_gazebo/models
Which path should I enter in the bashrc? Thank you for your interest.

Have you copied the skyca_tvbs model to ardupilot_gazebo/models? If that's the case then you won't have the world file in your path. The expectation is you clone this repo and set the path to that location. In your case:

cd  /home/lck/gz_ws/src/
git clone
export GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH=$GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH:/home/lck/gz_ws/src/SITL_Models/Gazebo/models::/home/lck/gz_ws/src/SITL_Models/Gazebo/worlds

and you should remove the copy from ardupilot_gazebo/models.


There seems to be an unexpected error..
I'm trying again, and I'll ask you a question again.

Thanks once again.

This issue has been resolved.
It was my mistake. Thank you for your reply.