
Example repository solving the chicken and egg problem when working with Terraform S3 remote state, where Terraform should provision its own state. Disclaimer: This solution is not so easy to wrap your head around so I recommend to read the corresponding blog post.

Inspired by Terraform Bootstrap example.




# Create new workspace for bootstrapping
terraform workspace new state

# Initialize provider for bootstrapping
terraform init bootstrap

# Bootstrap state infrastructure
terraform apply -auto-approve bootstrap

# Fill in backend info (requires envsubst from package gettext)
source <(terraform output -state=terraform.tfstate.d/state/terraform.tfstate | tr -d " " | sed -e 's/^/export /')
envsubst '${BACKEND_BUCKET_NAME},${BACKEND_TABLE_NAME}' <backend/ >backend/

# Migrate state of remote backend to remote backend
terraform init backend

Deploy Production Environment

# Create production environment workspace
terraform workspace new prod

# Init provider for website
terraform init website

# Build static site
cd website/static
jekyll build
cd -

# Deploy static site
terraform apply -auto-approve website

Destroy Everything

# Destroy prod environment
terraform workspace select prod
terraform destroy -auto-approve website

# Migrate back to local state
terraform workspace select state
terraform init bootstrap

# Destroy remote state resources
terraform destroy bootstrap