
A simple markdown viewer works in Docker, lightweight and unlimited.

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


A simple markdown viewer works in Docker, lightweight and unlimited.

how is it works

When you run this image, it'll try to create a default index page and then start a simple HTTP server. If you are already present your index page, it will skip the prepare step and create the server directly.

build (for developers)

git clone https://github.com/AyakuraYuki/markdown-viewer.git
cd markdown-viewer
sh build.sh

run (for developers)

In markdown-viewer folder, execute the following command:

sh run.sh <port> <doc_path> [container_name]

get from docker hub

docker pull ayakurayuki/markdown-viewer

run image

docker run --detach -p <port>:80 -v /path/to/doc_folder:/docroot markdown_viewer

for example:

docker run --detach -p 13333:80 -v /path/to/doc_folder:/docroot markdown_viewer

for anyone who wonders how to stop the opening server

  1. find out the container id

the following command will show you all running container

docker ps -a

find a row with markdown_viewer image, then copy its container ID

  1. stop this container

for example, here we got a container ID afd72988f88a

use the following command to stop this container

docker container stop afd72988f88a