Final weekend lab

For your last weekend lab, we'd like you to use your knowledge of Node.js, andRedis to build a multiplayer application or game. Some ideas include:

  1. Build a multiplayer tic-tac-toe game using and redis for storing game information (leaderboard, winning streak, etc.)
  2. Build a chat application using and redis (to store recent messages and a list of people in the chat room)
  3. Add two player functionality to your project 1 (if you built a game)
  4. Come up with your own multiplayer game and include redis to store information!

Some things to consider when using redis with

When using, you will make calls to your redis server inside of the io.on callbacks.


  1. Style your application
  2. Experiment with different Redis data structures

Super bonus

  1. Research promises and implement them as an alternative to callbacks (this will involve understanding what promises are and researching a promise library to include)