These are autogenerated. Do with them what you will :shrugeg:


Property Type Description Example Usage
Path string The path of the item.
ClassName string The class name of the item.
BaseName string The base name of the item.
Name string The name of the item.
PublicPrice string The public price of the item.
HeistContractJobType string The type of the job for the Heist contract.
ToString string Overrides the default ToString method to represent the item.
ResourcePath string The resource path of the item.
ItemQuality int The quality of the item.
VeiledModCount int The count of veiled mods.
FracturedModCount int The count of fractured mods.
ItemLevel int The item level.
MapTier int The map tier of the item.
DeliriumStacks int The number of Delirium stacks.
HeistContractReqJobLevel int The required job level for the Heist contract.
ScourgeTier int The Scourge tier of the item.
Height int The height of the item.
Width int The width of the item.
ShieldBlockChance int The block chance of the shield.
AttemptedPickups int The number of attempted pickups.
InventoryId uint The inventory ID of the item.
Id uint The ID of the item.
Distance float The distance of the item from the player.
IsWeapon bool Specifies if the item is a weapon.
IsIdentified bool Specifies if the item is identified.
IsCorrupted bool Specifies if the item is corrupted.
IsElder bool Specifies if the item is of Elder influence.
IsShaper bool Specifies if the item is of Shaper influence.
IsCrusader bool Specifies if the item is of Crusader influence.
IsRedeemer bool Specifies if the item is of Redeemer influence.
IsHunter bool Specifies if the item is of Hunter influence.
IsWarlord bool Specifies if the item is of Warlord influence.
IsInfluenced bool Specifies if the item is influenced by any of the types mentioned above.
IsSynthesised bool Specifies if the item is synthesized.
IsBlightMap bool Specifies if the item is a Blight map.
IsMap bool Specifies if the item is a map.
IsElderGuardianMap bool Specifies if the item is an Elder Guardian map.
Enchanted bool Specifies if the item is enchanted.
AttackSpeed AttackSpeedData Gets a Weapons tooltip/LOCAL APS. AttackSpeed.Total >= 2.11
HasMods bool Checks if the item has the specified mods. HasMods(new string[] { "MetamorphosisItemisedBossRewards" }) // Metamorph Organ
ContainsString bool returns true if any string is found in the input string, case insensitive ContainsString(BaseName, new []{"bOOt","quiVer"})
ContainsStringCase bool returns true if any string is found in the input string, case sensitive ContainsStringCase(BaseName, new []{"Boot","Quiver"})
HasTag bool returns true if any string is found in the input string, case insensitive HasTag(PathTags, "two_HAnd_weAPon") OR HasTag("two_HAnd_weAPon")
HasTagCase bool returns true if any string is found in the input string, case sensitive HasTag(PathTags, "two_hand_weapon") OR HasTag("two_hand_weapon")
HasUnorderedSocketGroup bool returns true if a link set contains the wanted colors HasUnorderedSocketGroup("GGBR")
HasSockets bool returns true if the item has set contains the wanted colors HasSockets("GGBR")
InfluenceFlags Influence Flags representing different types of influence.
Rarity ItemRarity The rarity of the item.
ModsNames List The list of names of the mods of the item.
PathTags List The list of tags derived from item path.
Tags List The list of tags from the item.
LabelOnGround LabelOnGround The label on the ground.
GemInfo SkillGemData Information about the skill gem.
AreaInfo AreaData Information about the current Area, only populated by devs ona plugin by plugin basis.
StackInfo StackData Information about the stack.
Entity Entity The entity of the item.
SocketInfo SocketData Information about the sockets.
ChargeInfo ChargesData Information about the charges.
FlaskInfo FlaskData Information about the flask.
AttributeRequirements AttributeRequirementsData Information about the attribute requirements.
ArmourInfo ArmourData Information about the armor. PlayerInfo.Level > 30
PlayerInfo PlayerData Information about the player.
ModsInfo ModsData Information about the mods.
LocalStats Dictionary<GameStat, int> The local stats of the item.
FindMods List Finds the mods of the specified type.
ModStats IReadOnlyDictionary<GameStat, int> Provides the summarized statistics of the mods. ModStats("ChaosResistImplicitBoots", "xddchatting")[GameStat.BaseChaosDamageResistancePct]>0
ItemStats IReadOnlyDictionary<GameStat, int> Provides the summarized statistics of the item. ItemStats[GameStat.BaseMovementVelocityPct]>=10 // 10% ms
ModWeightedStatSum IReadOnlyDictionary<GameStat, float> Provides the weighted summarized statistics of the mods.
SumModStats IReadOnlyDictionary<GameStat, int> Summarizes the statistics of the mods.
SumModStats IReadOnlyDictionary<GameStat, float> Summarizes the statistics of the mods with weights.


Property Type Description
Level int Players Level.
Strength int Players Strength.
Dexterity int Players Dexterity.
Intelligence int Players Intelligence.


Property Type Description
Base decimal Base APS without additions.
Total decimal Total APS with additions.


Property Type Description
Level int Areas Level.
Name string Areas Name.
Act int Areas Act.
IsEndGame bool Is Area End Game.


Property Type Description
Level int The level of the skill gem.
MaxLevel int The maximum level of the skill gem.
QualityType SkillGemQualityTypeE The type of quality for the skill gem.


Property Type Description
Count int The count of the stack.
MaxCount int The maximum stack count.


Property Type Description
Current int The current charge count.
Max int The maximum charge count.
PerUse int The charge count per use.


Property Type Description
LargestLinkSize int The size of the largest link.
SocketNumber int The number of sockets.
Links IReadOnlyCollection The collection of links.
SocketGroups IReadOnlyCollection The collection of socket groups.


Property Type Description
LifeRecovery int The life recovery value.
ManaRecovery int The mana recovery value.
Stats Dictionary<GameStat, int> The dictionary of game statistics.


Property Type Description
Strength int The strength requirement.
Dexterity int The dexterity requirement.
Intelligence int The intelligence requirement.


Property Type Description
Armour int The armor value.
Evasion int The evasion value.
ES int The energy shield value.