
Live searching library for official trade site or any other site you want, you can make your own live-search engine easily.

Primary LanguageC#

About The Project

Live searching library for https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search or any other site you want, you can make your own live-search engine easily.

Getting Started


NuGet Package


  1. Add it to your project dependencies.
  2. Configure it:
var sniperItems = new List<ISniperItem>();
var lsConfiguration = new OfficialTradeConfiguration
    PoeSessionId = "My poe session id"

var liveSearch = new LiveSearchWrapper<OfficialTradeLiveSearch, OfficialTradeConfiguration>(cfg);
liveSearch.ItemFound += OnItemFound;
  1. Run it:
var result = liveSearch.ConnectAll();



Change reconnection attempts (0 = disable reconnect):

liveSearch.Engine.ReconnectAttempts = 10;

Creating your own live-search engine:

public class PoeTradeSearchUrlWrapper : ISearchUrlWrapper
    public PoeTradeSearchUrlWrapper(string wsUrl)
        WebSocketUrl = wsUrl;

    public string Hash { get; }
    public string SearchUrl { get; }
    public string WebSocketUrl { get; set; }

public class PoeTradeSniperItem : ISniperItem
    public PoeTradeSniperItem(string description, string wsUrl)
        Description = description;
        SearchUrlWrapper = new PoeTradeSearchUrlWrapper(wsUrl);

    public string Description { get; set; }
    public ISearchUrlWrapper SearchUrlWrapper { get; }

public class PoeTradeConfiguration : ILiveSearchConfiguration
    // Your configuration properties.

public class PoeTradeLiveSearch : LiveSearchEngineBase<PoeTradeConfiguration>
    public PoeTradeLiveSearch(PoeTradeConfiguration configuration)
        // null or your own IRateLimit if you need rate limitting.
        : base(configuration, null)
    public override bool ValidateConfiguration()
        // Validate configuration here.
        return true;

    protected override WebSocket CreateWebSocket(ISniperItem sniperItem)
        // Create and return websocket here.
        var ws = new WebSocket(sniperItem.SearchUrlWrapper.WebSocketUrl);

        ws.Log.Level = LogLevel.Debug;
        ws.Compression = CompressionMethod.Deflate;

        return ws;

    public event MyDelegate MyItemFound;

    protected override void WsOnMessageReceived(ISniperItem sniperItem, MessageEventArgs e)
        string webSocketContent = e.Data;

        // Handle websocket messages.

        // Call item found event here.
        // Create your own event and subscribe to through liveSearch.Engine.MyEvent

        // Or reuse base event (ItemFound) -> RaiseItemFound(sniperItem, item, listing);
        // you will have to use Models.Poe.Item and Models.Poe.Listing
        MyItemFound?.Invoke(sniperItem, ... item data ...);

var cfg = new PoeTradeConfiguration();
var liveSearch = new LiveSearchWrapper<PoeTradeLiveSearch, PoeTradeConfiguration>(cfg);
liveSearch.Engine.MyItemFound += OnMyItemFound;

var mySniperItem = new PoeTradeSniperItem("My sniper item", "wss://live.poe.trade/helloworld");


Discord - Lich#0491