Build-a-Furniture is a 3D VR game with the main objective of two players working together to find furniture pieces in a warehouse and build furniture in the living room. Let's get building! :hammer_and_wrench:
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Query the JSON objects in JavaScript
#28 opened by Areizza - 1
- 0
- 0
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Export texture for box parcel
#46 opened by Areizza - 0
Instructions array for incrementing
#45 opened by Areizza - 0
Make the furniture "catalogue"
#41 opened by Areizza - 0
Make game title/logo!
#42 opened by Areizza - 0
Simplify spawning in Warehouse
#50 opened by Areizza - 0
Create 2D graphics for furniture catalogue
#38 opened by Areizza - 0
Render 2D graphics for the other furniture pieces and identify what the associated symbols are
#47 opened by Areizza - 0
- 0
Make the rest of the furniture instructions
#48 opened by Areizza - 1
- 0
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Make the index.html prettier
#43 opened by Areizza - 0
Beta Video
#44 opened by Areizza - 0
Spawn the objects in the Warehouse
#40 opened by Areizza - 0
Fix primitives behaving strangely
#36 opened by Areizza - 2
JSON to HTML converter function
#27 opened by Areizza - 2
Create JSON file for object templates
#34 opened by Areizza - 0
Finalizing Living Room environment
#32 opened by MaxDaMiner - 0
Replace primitives in prototype with 3D models
#30 opened by Areizza - 0
- 0
- 0
Create sound emitters for Warehouse
#31 opened by Areizza - 0
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Check scaling of all 3D models for consistency
#22 opened by Areizza - 3
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Finalizing Warehouse environment
#25 opened by Areizza - 2
Spawning objects prototype
#20 opened by Areizza - 0
- 0
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Find environment ambiance sounds
#17 opened by Areizza - 0
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Modularity prototype
#15 opened by Areizza - 0
Two screens outlining the overall design direction and layout are to be created based on 2 screens from the wireframe document
#9 opened by Areizza - 0
User Interaction Specification
#7 opened by MaxDaMiner - 0
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A wireframe must be created for each screen and interface step outlined in the architecture
#8 opened by Areizza - 0
Design Document
#5 opened by KochMitch - 0
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Design workshop/living room environment
#13 opened by Areizza - 1
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Research how our main functionality of "how modular pieces can fit together" would work in JavaScript and AFrame
#11 opened by Areizza - 0
Using the supplied template, create an architecture that outlines the flow of the experience based on the user’s actions
#6 opened by Areizza - 1
Design warehouse environment
#10 opened by Areizza - 0
Research aframe Gamepad Controls
#1 opened by Areizza - 1
Research Ikea furniture
#2 opened by Areizza - 0
Write project proposal
#3 opened by Areizza