
Web App that will allows me to control ESP32 modules to irrigate my plants and check their soil moisture levels

Primary LanguageC#


PlantCare is a system created for clear purpose, to manage your plants in comfortable and efficient way. It allows me to quickly check soil moisture level of individual plant or read some notes about it. I have a couple of plants in my room so i wanted to make generic module which can be use with any plant, here we have the ESP32 module with soil moisture sensor, it is responsible for registering soil moisture level and communicating with my backend ( here you can read more about it -> PlantCare Module ).


Plantcare API is written in CQRS architecture via MediatR, queries and commands logic are fully separated also on database side, i have Read and Write database controlled over ConsistencyManager which takes care of keeping information consistent between these two databases.

ConsistencyManager keeps data consistent via RabbitMQ, if command changes state of Write Database, consistency manager will send message that will be consumed by proper service to update data in Read Database.

There is also Redis caching to keep performence on good level, caching is located in repository decorators which allows me to cache data in smooth way, by hiding implementation of repository.

API runs on docker containers, it allows me to easily update and scale my application, i run them on my home server, on which i also keep docker images in docker repository.

IDP Client Package

Idp client package is responsible for authentication in my plantcare.ui app, it allows user to register and login, also it tracks token lifetime etc. what is more it gives me ready to use page with login/register form so i dont have to implement it on my own.

IDP Client API package

Idp CLient API package is responsible for authentication in my Plantcare.API project and it gives me authentication middleware that checks if token sent from plantcare.ui with request is valid.

Unit Testy

In progress