
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hello in my - Fiinger - project !

What is this project ?

This is app where i and other people can store their 'things' like ideas, song titles, films and articles with links to source, i made it because i needed application to store below data, i am using it to make my life easier.

Features that i using in my app

  • Posibility to register and login
  • Posiiblity to save things by three categories

Tools / Tech that i am using

  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • CSS ( Sass )
  • ReactJS
  • React-redux ( with redux-thunk and redux-persist )
  • axios
  • React-router
  • styled-components
  • 'backend' made by myself

What i think about this app ?

I think this is useful app, maybe without many features but my goal was to make simple app which wan't be too complicated and i think that i reach this goal. On the other hand i see many problems with this app, like 'not interesting' UI but i will correct this.

You can see it live just here :
