
Generates Croatian payment slips in vector format with Postscript and Python.

Primary LanguagePython


Uplatnica generates Croatian payment slips in vector form.

Written in Python (Jinja2) and Postscript, it uses Ghostscript to make a PDF file with the required fields and PDF417 2D barcode necessary for automated or mobile app based payments.



  • Jinja2
  • Ghostscript



json_fields should be a string containing the following JSON key-value pairs:


  • poziv_na_broj_platitelja (<= 22 chars)
  • iznos (<= 15)
  • poziv_na_broj_primatelja (<= 22)
  • iban_primatelja (21)
  • iban_platitelja (21)
  • model_primatelja (<= 4)
  • sifra_namjene (<= 4)
  • datum_izvrsenja (8)
  • valuta_placanja (3)
  • hitno (1)
  • ime_i_prezime_platitelja (<= 30)
  • ulica_i_broj_platitelja (<= 25)
  • postanski_i_grad_platitelja (<= 27)
  • naziv_primatelja (<= 25)
  • ulica_i_broj_primatelja (<= 25)
  • postanski_i_grad_primatelja (<= 27)
  • opis_placanja (<= 35)

Make sure not to exceed the lengths in order to generate a valid 2D barcode.

Data example and usage

testni_podaci = """
                 {"poziv_na_broj_platitelja": "54321-121-1",
                 "poziv_na_broj_primatelja": "12345-212-2",
                 "iznos": "12345",
                 "iban_primatelja": "HR9223600001501426697",
                 "iban_platitelja": "HR6025000091000000013",
                 "model_primatelja": "HR01",
                 "model_platitelja": "HR05",
                 "sifra_namjene": "OTLC",
                 "datum_izvrsenja": "10022016",
                 "valuta_placanja": "HRK",
                 "hitno": "X",
                 "ime_i_prezime_platitelja": "Pero Perić",
                 "ulica_i_broj_platitelja": "Ilica 1",
                 "postanski_i_grad_platitelja": "10000 Zagreb",
                 "naziv_primatelja": "Sklonište za nezbrinute životinje",
                 "ulica_i_broj_primatelja": "Franjčevićeva 43",
                 "postanski_i_grad_primatelja": "10361 Dumovec",
                 "opis_placanja": "Novčani prilog za pomoć nezbrinutim životinjama."}

uplatnica = kreiraj_uplatnicu(testni_podaci)

'uplatnica' now contains the PDF document and you can either save it to disk or provide it through a web server.


This mini-project is released under the LGPL v3 license. Feel free to use it in your product!


  • PDF 417 part uses parts of Terry Burton's excellent barcode writer in Postscript.
  • Fonts are derived from t1-cyrillic Debian package.
  • The payment slip form was adapted from the specification issued by Croatian Banking Association.