
this tool allows you to export a space to a JSON dump

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Contentful export tool

npm Build Status Coverage Status Dependency Status devDependency Status

semantic-release js-standard-style

https://www.contentful.com is a content management platform for web applications, mobile apps and connected devices. It allows you to create, edit & manage content in the cloud and publish it anywhere via powerful API. Contentful offers tools for managing editorial teams and enabling cooperation between organizations.

This is a command line tool (CLI) that help you backup your published Content Model, Content and Assets or move them to a new Contentful space. It will support Editor Interfaces, Webhooks and Roles & Permissions in a future version.

To import your exported data, please refer to the contentful-import repository.


We recommend the installation of this CLI via npm:

npm install -g contentful-export

Usage and examples

Usage: contentful-export [options]

  --version             Show version number                            [boolean]

  --space-id            ID of Space with source data         [string] [required]

  --management-token    Contentful management API token for the space to be
                        exported                             [string] [required]

  --export-dir          Defines the path for storing the export json file
                        (default path is the current directory)         [string]

  --include-drafts      Include drafts in the exported entries
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]

  --skip-content-model  Skip exporting content models [boolean] [default: false]

  --skip-content        Skip exporting assets and entries
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]

  --skip-roles          Skip exporting roles and permissions
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]

  --skip-webhooks       Skip exporting webhooks       [boolean] [default: false]

  --download-assets     With this flags assets will also be downloaded [boolean]

  --max-allowed-limit   How many items per page per request
                                                        [number] [default: 1000]

  --error-log-file      Full path to the error log file                 [string]

  --save-file           Save the export as a json file [boolean] [default: true]

  --config              An optional configuration JSON file containing all the
                        options for a single run

The --management-token parameter allows you to specify a token used for both spaces. If you request a token from here and your user account has access to both spaces, this should be enough.

Check the example-config.json file for an example of what a configuration file looks like. If you use the configuration file, you don't need to specify the other options for tokens and space ids.


contentful-export \
  --space-id spaceID \
  --management-token managementToken


contentful-export --config example-config.json

You can create your own configuration file based on the example-config.json file.

Exported data

This is an overview of the exported data:

  "contentTypes": [],
  "entries": [],
  "assets": [],
  "locales": [],
  "webhooks": [],
  "roles": [],
  "editorInterfaces": []

Usage as a library

While this tool is intended for use as a command line tool, you can also use it as a Node library:

var spaceExport = require('contentful-export')
var options = {
  spaceId: '{space_id}',
  managementToken: '{content_management_api_key}',
  maxAllowedItems: 100,
  errorLogFile: 'filename',
  saveFile: false
.then((output) => {
  console.log('Your space data:', output)
.catch((err) => {
  console.log('Oh no! Some errors occurred!', err)

The options object can contain any of the CLI options, but written with a camelCase pattern instead and no dashes. For example --space-id would become spaceId.


  • This tool currently does not support the export of space memberships.
  • Exported webhooks with credentials will be exported as normal webhooks. Credentials should be added manually afterwards.
  • If you have custom UI extensions, you need to reinstall them manually in the new space.


Read the releases page for more information.


This project is licensed under MIT license